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RAMBLING TIIIIME. I love being in one of those moods where I just want to blog and it's even better when I have an outfit that I haven't posted, yes. This outfit was probably from like a week or two ago. I just get distracted and forget I have these and post them, ahahahhaha. ANYWAYZZZ, I have had a lot in my mind, learning new things and ideas and I am in need to drop them all here.
First off, I AM GOING TO SEE MILEY CYRUS IN CONCERT. Yes, it's happening, last minute thing because it sounded like so much fun. She is definitely a crazy ass, but if you have taken the time to listen to her album, Bangerz, you would know it is a lot of fun!!!!! You can just party to it so I have nosebleed seats, but who cares, it's going to be awesoooooome!!! I really don't like to get into the topic of Miley Cyrus because there are so many pros and cons with her, but after her little show with Robin Bitch, she kind of went off the road to me. Lately, she has been pretty calm, for her level, and so her concert seems like a blaaaaast. {IT'S THIS THURSDAY YEEEEEEEY)
{Preparing for her show by sticking out my tongue, ahahahhahahahhahahhahaha} OKAY, I don't think I have talked about my genius plan on how to get over a crush on my blog. SO, let's say you are crushing on this guy/girl and you just know you will never get together or it's an obsession you NEED to get over. Well, I have got a pretty good idea for you...PICTURE THEM POOPING. I swear, it works 90% of the time. Isn't pooping so gross, why would you want to picture some cute person doing it? Yeah, so now once you've pictured it, that's the only thing you can imagine. Them pooping. All you see when looking at their face...is them pooping. Sounds creepy, but efficient. "Aw, he's so cu-" NO, REMEMBER ME TELLING YOU, THINK OF THEM POOPING. If you want to get over them, the subject of "pooping" is the way to go. 
Now there are some cases (that 10%) where pooping isn't even a big deal when that person is just over the top CUTE/HOT. && for those situations, I am sorry, but you are stuck with the crush. Those people should be on my A-list babes chart probably. 

  • DYLAN O'BRIEN - DAMN IT HE'S HOT, EVIL (teen wolf reference) AND POOPING
Those are just the few souls who makes your mind not give a crap what they're doing, they're still gooooood lookin'. If that person, who is still cute even when you picture them pooping, is from school, then you are completely screwed because you have to see them every. single. day. Whereas a celebrity, it is not as creepy to picture them naked or pretend to have a relationship with them.....right?

// dress - cotton on (& stolen from lovely sister...sorry Gnat :-)) // necklace - found // socks - walmart // shoes - thrifted // jacket - thrifted //
I made these googly eye earrings and those two buttons (can't really see the one behind Harry snorting out glitter). 
Oh one more thing. Heath Ledger is gone. I have known this for a while now, of course, it's been 6 years (heart breaking). Every time I think about this, it makes me VERY upset and today was one of those days. Man, just 10 Things I Hate About You, Brokeback Mountain, The Dark Knight....HOW CAN YOU NOT CRY?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?! He's so cute and perfect even though he over dosed ughhhhhhhh. I just had to share my sadness to you all because Heath Ledger. 
On this VERY sad note, goodbye, I am going to go cry now =^^;=


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Heeeeelloooo babes!!!!!!! Valentine's is finally over, hope you all are in a chocolate coma, I am ~.~ My day was very tiring, funny, and ~*~*~*~*~fantastic~*~*~~**~. GAL-entine's Day went VERY well, even tho people bailed (I have the worst luck with people bailing, not that I blame them for having issues, but it always happens to me!!!!!). I did not document the whole day because I forgot to take pictures of everything, I'm such a dope. BUT I did take these 3 so I hope they kind of catch the glamorous night???
Here are a few of the stuff we used to make our crafts. We made cute victory pennants and earrings!!!! They all came out so cute~*~**~*~~~. The third picture is our finished pennants, I LOOOOVE THEM SO MUCH. We also watched awesome 90s movies (10 Things I Hate About You, She's All That, and Cry Baby). I LOVE 80s/90s MOVIES SO MUCH, THEY ALWAYS WARM MY HEART. It was so great to watch 2 movies I haven't seen (I've watched 10 Things I Hate About You) from the 90s and I absolutely adored them. Please please please take the time to watch them, you seriously will not regret it.
My very creative friend (who has a blog as well) came over with a cute ass crown. She is literally the coolest person I know. Can't handle her cool-ness.
GAL-entine's Day seems like a day where you trash boys and yell "FUCK YEAH GIRLS!!!", but I didn't really see it that way. I always thought that Valentine's Day is just some dumb holiday that shouldn't exist, but not because I'm bitter that I don't have a boyfriend. I just think that people should be reminded that they love each other everyday. Although, I did learn something from a friend of mine. She said that Valentine's Day is a day to show your luver HOW MUCH you love them. Like the gifts or the things you do that day. I guess that is a reasonable explanation for this day, but I still find it useless. GAL-entine's Day is an event that reminds us that your friends will always be there for you and that you don't need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy. In today's society, having a partner is emphasized a lot, I.E. "you're a loser if you don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend" "you should have your first kiss by the age of 15" "you're either lonely or loved on Valentine's Day". Things like that are the issues of society because although they may be small, it's those tiny tiny tiny things that shift the course of society.
I hope you all had a great 14th of February and didn't feel "lonely" because again, you will always have your friends and yourself =^^=


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HIIIII INTERNET BABES. Wow, I feel like I have so much to blog about, but not really, I don't know! Life has been really good to me, everything has been fine, still going with the Spontaneous Movement (I have only done 1 thing :////) but yeah! My day of birth was last Friday, as I have talked about it a few times, and it was a lot fun!!!! I blogged about my arcade day, BUUUT I haven't talked about the things I got. Now I don't wanna ramble on about that, but there are pictures below of some of them. 
Recently, I have noticed that I love planning events and parties and my sister gave me a great idea, that came from an episode of Parks & Rec, and it's called GAL-entine's Day!!!!!!! It is not an event, in my opinion, about trashing boys, it's just a day to hang out with friends and not feel "lonely" because you have no "valentine". I don't understand why people get all mopey if they don't have a luver on Valentine's Day? You don't need someone to make you happy, just yourself. Love yourself, be your own Valentine!!!! Valentine's Day is just another one of those days that shouldn't exist because we should love our luver everyday and give them chocolates everyday (well that's what I'll be expecting from my future luver hahahahaa). GAL-entine's Day is going to be filled with cute DIYs and friends (it's a sleepover as well and there are going to be around 8 girls in one room iN AN APARTMENT, crrrraaaaaazzzzzy).
{part of my few decorations for GAL-entine's Day}
I was searching up different DIYs on Rookie for my event and I found this tassel garland one and so I made it, clearly, anD IT LOOKS SO CUUUTE. It came out so good, I was so proud, ahahahhaa. Here's the link if you'd like to make it as well, it is VERY easy.
So, since I got a bunch load of new things, I reorganized my desk! My room now looks like a complete teenage room, which I am a teenager, but I don't know. I sometimes hate being a teenager, everything is so cliche and full of drama and dumb things that I honestly don't care about, but everyone around me does. Although, that is true, I actually realized I truly love being a teenager more than I hate it. It is my prime time, I'm seventeen, I am the dancing queen!!!!!! I can do whatever I want, decorate however, 'cause let's be real, my desk looks freakin' cute. I have been enlightened to the positivities of being a teenage girl and I feel like everyone who truly hates being a teenager should look at what they're doing at the moment. On tumblr? On twitter? Reading a book (cliche or classic) in your PJs on your bed? Watching a TV show or movie (cliche or classic)? Everything you are currently doing and love doing is part of a teenage life so you can't hate being a teenager!?!?! Everything you enjoy from 14-18 should be cherished because soon enough you won't have time for any of it!!!!! Maybe you don't have much time now, but let's be real once again, you have at least 1-2 hours to yourself, a day and what do you do at for those hours? EXACTLY. Realizing that every teenage fact will be gone soon is scary and I wish I would have enjoyed these years more because all I have is 2 years left of being called a teen and 1 year left till I leave to college!!!!!! It is so soon and it is very frightening.
Anyways, here are a few things I got the past week! ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS GOT ME ROOKIE YEARBOOK 2 AND I AM SO HAPPY. It is pure heaven inside it, I have only read a few pages, but flippin' man, IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL. She also got me the Doctor Who bookmark and it is so great <3 <3 <3. &&&& my other best friend got me the Grumpy Cat book and I laughed so hard because that cat is me, we are twins. Also, my other other best friend got me a cool ass bracelet maker, but I didn't take a picture of it. I also went to the library because I need to read more and started reading Lolita. I have seen the most recent version of the movie and lightly seen the original and it's crazy!!!! I watched the movie because I wanted to see the whole hype about her and the heart shaped glasses (which were not in any of the movies, just the cover, I was so upset). I never knew it was about an older man and pre-teen...well I don't want to give it away, but it's very interesting so go watch it!!! I wanted to read the book because it seemed like a good read, I haven't gone far into it so I can't say much, but hopefully it's good!!!!!
LOOK AT MY NEW BABES. My parents got them for me as my day of birth present and I WAS SO HAPPY, THEY'RE SO COOL. Jujus part 2. I want to weaR THEM FOREVERRRRRR.
Two of my great friends made cute collages for mm and they're so cute!!!!!!!!!! Literally everything I love and adore. I am glad I have friends who make great colleges ;_____;
The little ones at the place where I volunteer also celebrated my day of birth and it was absolutely adorable. The kids signed a poster for me and my class that I help, made me drawings and little hearts (above). It brings me great joy volunteering there. I sometimes contemplate on working as an elementary school teacher because I love working with kids, but the fact that they don't get much money at all, brings it down.
Well I am now one week into being seventeen. It's crazy how soon I'll be at college, very scary. Hope you all had a great week =^^=


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Hello babez!!!! Yes, I am now a 17 year old. I CAN SEE RATED-R MOVIES NOW YAAAAAY. This year's birthday was first, well, dull, but then it got better, sometimes my mood just makes everything worse!!! BUT I did have a great weekend and am so happy. I went to the arcade yesterday with 3 of my best friends and it was aweeeeeesome!!!!!! The arcade is so much fun, even though it pressures you into wasting more and more and more money....
{wat q-tz}
{after this we got in trouble for playing in the kid's section, sad face Arleen (above) looks so happy}
There's this type of photobooth, Cue, and they are the cutest pictures you will ever take, I looooove them!!!!!!!!! THEY'RE SO *~~*~*~~KAWAII~**~*~*~
{I will make a blogpost on the things I got for my birthday, but you can see my neW DOCS HERE AHHHHHHH} {& we got these finger puppets from the 776 tickets we won}
They are literally the best-est friends ever, who know me so well and I am so grateful to have them in my little life <3 <3 <3
It's kind of crazy how I'm 17 now. Like I know it is still a young age and everything, but I'm going to 18 next year, which means I can buy cigzzzz & lottery tickets!!!!!! Hahahahha, it is completely insane how fast time goes and sometimes people don't appreciate the little minutes that they think are pointless. Every minute, hour, second, you should live at the fullest because the amount of time we get to live is not enough. I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and I'M SEVENTEEN WOOOOO!!!!
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