in my eyes

THOUGHT: Okay, here me out on this. Sleep is awesome, my favorite time of the day, BUT isn't it sooo annoying when you want to stay up till like 3, but you can't because you're already tired and it's only 12!?!?!? That's me right now. Over the summer my motto is "sleep is for the weak" because DUH  c'mon watching videos and shows and movies and blogging and doing DIYs is so fun!!!! There's not enough time for it all in a 24 hour day in my opinion. But when it comes to school, my motto is "SLEEP. I WANT, NO, I NEED SLEEP. ALL THE TIME. PLEASE. SLEEP. NAPS. HATE SCHOOL. GOODBYE WORLD. SLEEP." Because honestly school tires me out SO much. Anyways, that's my rant. Sleep is awesome when you have responsibilities, but when you don't it's just a drrraaagggg.
Here's some pictures of what I did on Christmas Day:
Clearly, my fashion sense goes off the charts when I'm trying to keep warm.
MUSIC: I've been listening to some "new" stuff lately so here they are!! I listened to Best Coast like in..middle school(?) because of my sister, but whenever she stopped listening to a band/artist, I would too because she'd be my source for music so that was what happened to Best Coast for me. I knew the basics, y'know Boyfriend, Our Deal, basically the 'Crazy For You' album, but nooowww I love their new album, California Nights. It's soooo gooooodddd!!! Honestly, all of their songs sound the same, but for some reason I really enjoy listening to them so!
The reason why I started listening to Best Coast again was because they're having a show with Wavves and Cherry Glazerr that I want to go to sooo bad, but haven't got the money for it. That's also the reason why I started listening to Wavves (more) and they are also such a great band. Their single "My Head Hurts" is such a jam, I have it on repeat all the time. I remember in my high school art class someone wrote "Wavves" on one of the desks and I thought it was cool, semi-knowing it was a band...don't know why I just told that irrelevant story..but yeah...Wavves are cool...ahhahaha. Also, one of the greatest finds of my Amoeba trips was a $1 Haxel Princess album by Cherry Glazerr and I was so excited when I found it!!!! There's this section in Amoeba that has CDs for $1-$3 and it's so awesome, but there's so much that it gets so tiring looking through all the stacks and hardly finding anything!!!! I once found The Shoe's album for $2 and that was my first great find so you just gotta give it some time and be patient to actually find some good shit in that section.
I've also been listening to Alex G because Girlpool sang "Brite Boy" with him at a show and it was beautiful. He's got some pretty chill songs so I've been really liking his stuff!!! 
OH. I also re-watched Across The Universe twice like a weekend ago and I forgot how much I loved that beautiful movie. Goddamn, if you haven't seen it please go watch it now. It's a story made out of tons of amazing The Beatles songs, it's so brilliant. So I've been listening to that soundtrack a lot, too and I cry every time I hear "All You Need Is Love" because in the movie they throw in a little "She Loves You Ya Ya" and it's sooooo frickin' BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! Speaking of The Beatles, Spotify FINALLY (!!!!) put all of their albums in and I couldn't be happier. Definitely going to be listening to them even more now.
OH MY GOSH ONE MORE THOUGHT. STAR WARS. STAR. WARS. I watched it yesterday and guys. GUYS!!! If you have been following my blog for a while now, you'd know I'm a huge fan of Star Wars and this episode just reminded me of how AAAMAAAZING the series is. It was so fucking cool watching it in an actual theatre instead of on TV. When "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away" popped up in the screen, tears started flowing. And then "STAR WARS" popped up and then the Star Wars song and then the little story before the movie... GUUYYYSYSSS. It was awesome. From now on I will be saving up to buy the DVDs because clearly I am in need of them. If you have not watched Star Wars: The Force Awakens, I really recommend to go see it, BUT I also REAAALLLYYY recommend watching the episodes before it because it will be so much more fulfilling and so much more beautiful and awesome because you'll really know what everything is and what everyone is talking about and THE CHARACTERS!!!!!!!! I'm just so amazed at how good it was, so many tears. So many good scenes. SO MUCH VERY MORE HAPPY.
Here's an outfit of the day that includes stripes AND polka dots AND checkers because I'm THAT awesome hahahahaha: 
// top - thrifted // pants - thrifted // socks - old navy // shoes - vans // (Yes, I have worn these for the past two outfit posts, but they're new and I just want to wear them all the time *shrugs*.)
Enough of that. I hope you all are having fun with your families, enjoying holidays and the (upcoming) new year!!! I will be blogging about 2015 so I shall talk more about how fast the year went and what went on and blah blah. For those who celebrate Christmas, I hope you got some fun gifts and good food!!! My family got me an Amoeba certificate so I am SOOOO excited to be buying vinyls and stuff with it. Hope you all had/are having a fantastic Monday!!!

all I want for christmas is...CONSUMERISM!!!

Holidays scare me...I know. Whaaatttt?? I mean c'mon, everybody is hustling around to different stores (and some people actually get hurt by this) trying to find gifts for their loved ones in order to show them how much they love each other? Spending all this money and time to prove how much they care about each other...with consumerism?!?!?!? WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO!!! I know, being a bit dramatic. I totally get it all, the spirit of holidays is fun and cool and the lights and Christmas trees and chocolates and pretty wrapping paper and so on and so on is all awesome, it? Are we just doing what companies want us to do? (YES.) Are we just being brainwashed? (BASICALLY.) Do we realize? (PROBABLY.) But do we stop it? (NOPE.) point we humans want to stop this capitalist brainwashing? We all know these holidays are just a way for these corrupted ass corporations to get MORE money and become ever bigger than they are. Obviously the idea of spending time with family and eating good food and snugglin' up with our blankets is nice, but in reality..are we just trying to hide away from the fact that MONEY is TAKING OVER?!?!?!? DO MOST OF US EVEN CARE?!?!?! Something to think about...
Here's a little photo set about this:
I know this may be too cynical for some of y'all at this time of year, but it's good to be reminded!! If I don't post before Christmas, I hope you all have so much fun with loved ones and food and everything around you. Remember it's not all about presents and stuff, it's about being surrounded by jooooyyyy!!!! =^^=

change of heart

Is it just me or is it super difficult to write about yourself? I guess I just have so many thoughts going through my head that I want to put down but don't know how and in what order. For one of my finals, I have to write about my family origin and it's a huge spectrum, I don't know how I want to tell my story!!! I've been sitting here all day, unable to put my thoughts into words. It's annoying. I've just been jamming to Deerhunter, Justin Bieber, and Wavves all day while watching That 70s Show and youtube videos every once in a while. I wish I could sleep all day, but I just have to get through this paper and then I'm done with my first semester of college. JUST LIKE THAT!!! I feel like it's been longer, but it's only been a semester, crazy. Hopefully this winter break I will be crafting and blogging more and selling my clothes on depop. I'm hoping it works out because I really need the money, hahaha. I'll let you guys know when it's all up with stuff and maybe you'll find something!! I have so much clothes that I need to get rid of so let's hope it all goes well. I'm actually leaving home pretty late, this Sunday, even though I could've went home Tuesday, but oh well. Home isn't going to be very exciting because that small town barely has anything to do. Hopefully I'll get my license and hang with friends and stuff.
---> Response to this because, like always, I neglected this post. I am currently at home, just laying on my bed. First semester of college = DONE! Crazy. I ended up writing about my anxiety and family issues for my essay, which I hope I did well on...Anyways, my depop is yakogirlz (sort of a long story with friends) and I've only put a few stuff up if ya wanna have a look! Just things I don't wear anywhere and they're in pretty good condition! So winter break. Here's my list that I hope I get to do over the FIVE WEEKS I am here:

  • make pom pom earrings
  • craft anything
  • get an acai bowl
  • sell all of my clothes
  • blog way more
  • take pictures everyday
  • talk to brother everyday
  • hang out with friends
  • get ears pierced
  • get nose pierced
That's all I have so far, but I think I'll add more later. 
Also, I went to Amoeba today and bought the album that explained high school for me...Come of Age - The Vaccines. Ugh. UGh. UGH!!!! SO GOOD!!! Most of this album reminds me so much of my mentality in high school, it's so cool. I don't like thinking back at that time, but this album makes me think of how much I've grown and how much less cynical I am (still cynical though..aren't we all???). You've gotta listen to this. I got it on vinyl and am so excited to hear it, although I have to wait five weeks because I left it back in SF :-))) I couldn't bring it because too much of a hassle, so so SO sad. But seriously I love The Vaccines, they have not disappointed me in any of their albums.
To end this little update, here's some pictures I took before I left SF.
Okay. If you ever visit SF please look around the neighborhoods and admire the beautiful houses and nature. That is definitely one thing I would recommend because these streets are filled with beauty.
 Friends being weirdos.
 Friends on the bus.
 5/6 of SF family being a bit awkward because we were fighting about taking a picture.
Outfit of the night: jacket that I always wear - thrifted // rose choker - DIY // Deathly Hallows necklace - found // shirt - FIDLAR concert // skirt - thrifted // tights - old // shoes - Vans // Snape button - Whimsic Alley // Perfect Attendance button - given to // grandma button - found at FIDLAR concert // (been trying to wear more jewelry)
This loser didn't want to take a picture with the creepy monkey so we took one with it in the background instead..smh. Union Square during the holiday season is craaazzzyyyy.
Well, there's a bit of an update and stuff. I will talk to you guys soon =^^=

nobody wants to hear how to live their life

Here's a little insight on the details of where I live and who some of my people are...

righteous one

I started journaling. Again. I'll probably stop in like a couple of weeks though, hahahaha. I started writing to future kids and to whoever gets my moleskin. I just get bored in class and start staring at people and watch their actions. I then see something that I find interesting so I write it down. Few topics I've covered: friends, being social, becoming a "woke" and I think that's it so far? I think it was Doctor Who or something that had a scene where a daughter/son was reading a journal that their mom/dad made and it really stuck to me..kind of because I can't even remember where I got the idea from. Anyways, it got me thinking that it would be so cool if I left a journal and like my future kids or my brother would read it, y'know? I don't know. A lot of people get creeped and freaked out about the future, but I don't really mind it. I feel like, it's coming so might as well suck it up? I'm gonna get wrinkles. I'm gonna have a job where I work at everyday. I'm gonna be done with school.
OH, GUYS. TV AND MUSIC TIME. I finally caught up on The Walking Dead and's awesome, watch it. I was obsessed with it when it came out, but then I lost my way, like I do for every show, but I actually started to catch up again (thanks to my sister) and I am so glad I did. I missed watching zombies growl and try to eat people. They're my favorite monsters. Do you guys have any favorite monsters?!
Lately, I've been listening to Girlpool, The Growlers, and saw The Orwells live. First: Girlpool. They're a cute pair of girls who semi-scream into a microphone and make music that makes you happy and think about your friends and stuff. At first, they seem kind of too much, but keep listening to them and you'll start screaming their cute lyrics. "I just miss how it felt standing next to you, wearing matching dress Before The World Was Big" [listen to Before The World Was Big, Ideal World, Cut Your Bangs, and Nora]. Now, Los Growlers. They are currently my favorite band and !!!!! They're so good. They're the ones that created Beach Goth, which is the festival I'm dying to go to and the lead singer is such a cutie. Ya guys gotta listen to them. [suggestions: Love Test, Humdrum Blues, Someday, and like..the entire Chinese Fountain album. And Hung At Heart. And Gilded Pleasures....I know..THEY'RE THAT GOOD!!!] OKAY. I saw The Orwells for the second time this past Wednesday and that was the craziest concert I've been to. I was like second row and basically on the border of where the mosh pit started so I was being pushed against the girl in front me the entire time. Sweating, pushing, getting pissed off because people were so annoying. I understand people are moshing, but there was this one chick who kept trying to get in front of me and I was gonna knooocckkk her out, hahaha. Anyways, it was overall SO fun. Screaming out their lyrics was the best, the lead singer made such cute facial expressions and OH, he basically jumped out of the balcony thing at the end of the show and I was so scared for his life. Overall, I learned new things about going to these types of concerts and I definitely need to see them again [pictures below are from the show]. Oh and I've been listening to Justin Bieber, shamelessly, ya gotta have your fix of pop sometimes man!!! And the first half of his new album is so so good, man, not gonna lie.
The lead singer had such great stage presence and he would make facial expressions that were so funny. It was just great to have him singing right at your face.
Cutie to the left is such a cutie. One of the most beautiful humans I've seen.
My friend, Jess (who just created a blog so you should definitely go say hi), took this after the show and you can't see much here, but you can see my messed up braid. My hair was a rat's nest, it was insane. Braids are the way to go for those who have long hair and want to mosh, although, your hair will still get pulled, sadly.
And here's my little SF family. We were all able to go because the show was free and no classes!!! It was so fun to experience this one with them because we hadn't gone to a real show together, except the little ones on campus. (Mal, the one standing to the left, has a blog as well!!!!) 
Also, I was looking through my old notes on my phone and since I'm going home this week (AHHHH!!!!) I thought this quote was pretty relevant, 
"Home is so sad. It stays as it was left, 
Shaped to the comfort of the last to go
As if to win them back."
-Philip Larkin
It hit me. I don't know where I found it, but I loved it so much that I kept it. It made me kind of sad, but gave me comfort as well. Home for me is wherever my family is and they'll always be there. We discussed the topic of "family" in one of my classes and it made me realize that not everyone has blood related members that they would consider their family. Their friends may be their family, or I don't know, their dog! It just opened my mind to the idea that not everyone's family is the same as mine, including my mom and dad, sister, brother, etc. I just didn't realize it before..thanks to my professor!!! It's crazy how much college can open your mind (and make you broke). Here's a picture of my room that I miss very much (but it doesn't look this cute anymore).
One more thing: I'm sure you have all heard of what happened in Paris, big condolences to everyone who lost someone or know someone who was hurt or know someone there, etc. I don't want to sound like an inconsiderate asshole because that is not my intention here. It just amazes me that media covered this Paris attack massively, while other countries, for example Lebanon, El Salvador, Iraq, and more and more and more countries aren't getting any help from anyone and they've been killed, attacked, degraded, kidnapped for SO MANY YEARS. Why is that every time westerners are in trouble, they get the entire world's attention, but when it comes to third world countries, they're left for dead?
// sweater - thrifted // pants - thrifted // shoes - adidas // laces - Daiso //
// top - thrifted // pants - thrifted // 
Okay, I've been trying to take outfit pictures and it just doesn't happen for different reasons, I mean look at the first one..MY EYES ARE HALF WAY SHUT! Hhahahaha, I just thought I would still input it. So, here's an outfit and a half and wearing the same jeans because these ones are so cute and comfy. Now, here's the next playlist of this segment!! This one was made by my roommate/friend Mal Plum: this is basically all of the music i've been loving as of this month. it's a bit different from what i used to listen to, like a month ago, but i dig it and i love that there is so much new music being introduced to me. thanks fam. i feel fly as heck now. (the 3 vampire weekend songs were not on purpose i just can't get enough lmaooo)
That's it for now!! Next time I post I will be home and I'm smiling so hard!!!!!! Hope you all are having happy days =^^=
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