AAAALRIGHT. This is a long overdue post. Hair. I don't all. Not my legs, not my armpits, not my pubes, sometimes my upper lip, but that's about it. Why. Why is the whole shaving/not shaving such a big deal to people? Like...GRRRL it's growing on my body for a reason!??!?! It wouldn't be there if it was something that could hurt me? (Let's disconnect this post from people who like to shave. I am in nooooo way discouraging you or insulting you by this post, DO U MAN. This is about those who ridicule hair.) I know family members and semi-friends who would be totally grossed/weirded out seeing my armpit hair or knowing I don't shave my pubes and it makes me so mad!!! Hair is SO VERY normal and throughout these years people have created this societal image that it has to be shaved off, and it's especially pointed towards females and it's just simply dumb.
Drawings by Jess.

Let's just try to diminish the idea of not being able to talk about our bodies and what they do and how to help them, damn it. Hope you all are already comfortable with talking about all that, and if not, try!!! =^^=
Teen Vogue magazine clip from the Grimes issue.
This goes along with the idea of people not being comfortable with talking about sex or penises or vaginas or dildos ETC. ETC.!!! Society has created this list of what you can talk about in public and what you can't and I hate it. I hate not being able to talk about my period because people in public will get grossed out. I hate knowing that people aren't having safe sex because their parents or school don't do a well enough job teaching them about it, or warning them because it's taboo. I hate knowing that young(er than me) teens are too embarrassed to talk about their own body parts and not learning the proper ways to clean them or just to be able to have a normal conversation about it. I just hate the fact that over the years we have made everything so taboo and risque and people aren't learning about their bodies!!! I want everyone to be able to communicate with their partners about what they like and what they don't like during sex. I want people to be able to talk to their friends about their periods and what their experiences are like. I want schools to be able to teach students ACTUAL VITAL DETAILED information about their bodies!!!!!Drawings by Jess.
Gonna start using Polyvore again, so if ya use it you can look at my stuff here, even though I'll probably post it on my blog as well!!