This week at school is Awareness Week. Each day students are encouraged to wear a certain color for a certain cause. Yesterday was self-image. The Associated Student Body passed out these stickers saying "You are loved" and "I Refuse To Sink" I usually dislike my school, but I thought this was such a great idea. I know a lot of people that are depressed or self harm or have self harmed, it is terrible to know people who actually do it. People should be more aware of these causes because they never know who actually needs help.
This was my outfit for yesterday, very comfortable and back with the polka dots, which i love. This whole outfit is actually thrifted! (My sister wasn't home to take a picture so i had to do it myself, in my unorganized closet, oops!)
My sister also made cupcakes with her own frosting! This was supposed to be a flower, but didn't come out so well haha.
I hope you all have a great week! :)
How did you manage to thrift that outfit? Amazing! :) And that's cool that your school did that. I love when people can band together to do something awesome :)
alright your style... the best! like seriously though. and that is such a cool thing for your school to do. i feel like stuff like that gets overlooked sooo much!
i'm so proud of you :)
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