Why hello wonderful people! Right now it is 11:12 PM and I am feeling very talkative so I thought i'd pour my thoughts on here.
Well, tonight my sister and brother have decided to leave me alone all night, sleeping over their friend's houses. Back then, I used to lOVE being alone. I mean, my own room? My own bathroom? I can sing w/o getting yelled at? I can sleep whatever time I want? I don't have to share my food? GREAT STUFF, MAN. But lately I have come to realize..I don't quite like it anymore. I mean don't get me wrong, it's fun, but I don't quite know why I don't like it anymore...My sister is moving out soon so I need to learn how to be alone and that scares me. Being alone is too much for me sometimes because guess what? My thinking grows to a maximum and THAT is never good. But, tonight has taught me that I just need to face everything with a positive face. Don't know if any of that made sense...BUT YEAH. Here's a picture of me whilst being bored and dancing/singing my butt off to Arctic Monkeys. (BTW: Listen to their new song "Do I Wanna Know", IT'S BRILLIANT.)
ALSO, I have come to notice that I lalalalalalove Sharpies and tape and drawing random, stupid things! I know it's bad drawing on yourself, but I love doing it! Drawing little cartoons and sketches makes me really happy! Especially when I'm alone and listening to music (see being alone isn't all that bad Josselyn). I would always draw doodles during school, but they're quite private because I think if anyone who didn't know me so well saw them...they'd think I'm crazy (I am not a murderer or anything, I promise hhahahaah). OH & I have come to another realization. I used to say "I hate people" and I sincerely meant it! I mean I have met many horrible human beings, humanity had come to an apocalypse in my head (if that makes sense), but I noticed something very important a while ago. There are 7 billion people in the world. SEVEN BILLION. & I have only met not even 1% of that. So, how can one say they "hate people"? Humanity is very diverse and I wish more people would realize that. You're not always going to be stuck with the same people. If you don't like a certain group, MOVE. Don't let people you don't like bring you down, but don't cause anything with them either. Just let it go!
Well, there's my rambling bambling! Hope none of you think I am crazy, I just have a lot of thoughts and hopefully you understand me! Hope everyone had a great Saturday! =^^=
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