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Hello gr8 people of Earth! TODAY IS AUGUST 1. Wow, has the time flown bye yeah? I start school in 11 days, sadly. But at least I get to show off my new outfits, ohhhh yeah. That's always fun picking outfits -- actually...no..that is not fun. I am always stressed in the morning when picking outfits. BUT IF I LIKE IT, I start the day off right! :)
Well, recently my friend Elena and I have been writing letters to each other (pen pals are SO much fun, decorating cards is my faaaaavoriite) and I sent her on a task! I sent this very, pretty pink, polka-dotted ribbon that mister Harry Styles Cardboard is wearing:
sorry if you can't see it well, I should've done a close up :/

and made her think of something to do with it! This is a new segment I would like to call "What can yoUUUU do?" SO, this is what she came up with!

She used the ribbon as a camera strap!! I thought this was very creative and hey, in my opinion, that looks ROCKINNN'. I was so happy with what she did with it and hopefully my future contestants (maybe by the end of the year I can choose the best?? I don't know, I am thinking as I am typing, hahahha) will be as creative as Elena. Thank you to Elena for playing the game and being a great sport! If ya wanna know more about her, ya'll can check her twitter!! :) WARNING: She's a One Direction fan ;)

NEXT: AHHHHH!!!! This year I will be attending VidCon, which is a YouTube Convention where youtubers can meet their viewers and other youtubers!!! If you didn't know, I spend half of my day watching different youtubers' videos so I am ECSTATIC that I will be meeting most of them! I have been waiting weeks for this and tomorrow is finally the day!!! The best part is it ain't only one day, IT'S TWO. T W O whole days spending time with friends and funny people. SO excited.

So, today I realized that I used to collect stickers (and never used them because they were too pretty/cute) and I hadn't bought a page in a while!!! So, today I bought cute little food stickers and I am SO happy. Who would've known that $1 can make a girl 1000000% more happier??

I also picked up these cutiesssss:

 GLITTERY TATTOOS. What more can a person want? I have come to a conclusion I love glitter and glittery objects. That may make me a 'girly girl', which I used to hate being called, but I don't mind it much anymore. I guess you can say I have a girl/tom-boy style, don't quite know.

I also, decided I will be wearing these at VidCon so, my friend (that I will be going to VidCon with) and I are going to be rockin' it. ~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Ooops to me for forgetting to crop my strawberry socks out.

Well, that is it! Happy August 1st and hope this month treats all of us great! =^^=


Nataly said...

I love you, and I'm so jealous you're at vidcon right now and I'm at home..waiting to go to work..AND I WANT SOME STICKERS

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