Hello fellow bloggers! Welcome to my blog "Lurking Cat". My name is Josselyn and I am a 19 year old living in California! I la/la/la/la/la/la/love learning new things and new ways to wear my clothes. I am currently in college and it has been quite an...adventure.

I blog about: outfits, thoughts, and lessons with MANY rambles.

I am fond of: thrifting // new thoughts // originality // creative projects // cats // feminism // different kinds of music (if you have a band you absolutely love and would love to share, I am open to any) // clothes // the world // candles // holidays // my surroundings // reading about people's lives // ice cream // my triple-chinned bunny, Ellie // exploring // Alexa Chung // Harry Potter // babies // tv shows // my family // chocolate // etc.

I am not fond of: the world // close minded people // humidity // pretentious teachers // when my eyes are swollen // homework // people who think it's funny to make fun of others // misogynists // etc.

My URL name came from a line in the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone book where Mrs. McGonagell is introduced first as a cat.

I hope you have gotten an insight to my personality and life, doesn't give much, but that's what the "blog thing" is about, right? =^^=


Nataly said...

i loves you a lot

Autumn said...

Harry Potter is the best thing in the whole wide world, You're awesome!

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