(ᵒ̤̑ ₀̑ ᵒ̤̑)

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Concepts in my mind that I would like to share:

People sometimes think when others have an opinion...THEY'RE WRONG. Completely and utterly wrong and they need to be told they're wrong. It is time to let things gooooooo. Not everyone is going to like the same things as you and THAT'S OKAY. If you say you LOVE one thing, but the person you're telling about it actually despises it, doesn't mean they don't know anything about that thing and need a reason to hate it. You think that person is annoying, GREAT, wonderful, move on with your life. You know that person finds that other person annoying, GREAT, wonderful, now move on. Don't stop and cause a fire? So, if someone has a different opinion, the world will end if you don't stop and tell them they're wrong, right? Having a different opinion does not mean you're stupid and ignorant, it just means YOU HAVE A DIFFERENT OPINION. That's it. "Defending" your favorite band/show/etc. is one thing, but when you go too far and tell someone to kill themselves, "jokingly", or won't even want to be their friend because of it, is ignorant and plain childish, IT'S 2 GROW UP.

These days Internet sensations have slowly been taking over the world, like a disease. The internet is now a place where you can get a job, find the love of your life, find your true friends, etc. It has a huge impact on people's lives..especially on opinions. Youtubers these days have become much more popular through the internet alone, without having a publicist of some sort. Many make videos for their own sakes, because they love it doing it. Others have different reasons, like doing it for money or connections, which youtubers can now gain from just have a great amount of subscribers. Previously there has been a controversial video regarding 3 boys talking about "what guys look for in girls" for a straight 9 minutes. There have been many videos like this, but for some reason this one went viral. Once they realized this was giving them a bad look, they took it down. 'Internet famous' people can't just go around listing things they like or don't like about a guy/girl. This issue mostly hits teenage girls. Their favorite youtuber has made a new video about what they like in girls. "YES, I can finally figure out how I can get this boy to like me!!!!" Is what happens in teenage girls' minds when they watch this. "RIGHT, they don't like hair on legs/upper lip/arms, well I hate shaving, but if they don't like, I have to do it!!!!" The boy who made this video, realizing people are "taking it the wrong way", then says "they shouldn't even listen to me." Now how can you control a girl's mind? YOU CAN'T. We do stupid things that we don't even know why we do them. Everyone is like that!!!! So, you are just planting the seed in her mind. People on the internet need to be more careful on their word choices and think about what kind of people their viewers are because it is becoming a bigger issue.

& there it is. Another rant. FELT GOOD. Wow, 2013 is nearly over and it went by so quickly? Hopefully 2014 will be good for all of us. It is the year I will be applying for college. Shit. Here is my kinda New Years resolution "Make plans for your future. Try to figure out what the hell you want to do. Be organized and don't go on twitter a lot. Always have something to do whether for school or your blog or your future profession. Do new things so you can figure out what you want to do. Read more." It is a lot and huge concepts, but I need to do everything so I can to get ready for my future and thinking about it is scaring the shit out of me :-)))) What are your New Years Resolution? Hopefully, more into depth than mine and maybe less stressfull!!! Hahahahaha, well hope you all leanred something through this and have a great New Years, see you in 2014 (´-﹏-`;) =^^=


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