Hello super babes!!!! It is finally time, it is May, AP/finals month. I have my first AP test on Monday for Environmental Science and I am scared shitless!!!!! I should be studying/doing homework instead of blogging, but I had to blog. I have been pretty busy lately, even on the weekends, which is pretty rare for me. Every time my sister comes over, I just can't do anything because either we're talking non-stop or going out. I go out, but don't blog about it, I am just a complete mess.
I did go to a concert recently with one of my bessssst friends and we saw THE WANTED!!!!! We have always wanted to go see them, but something just always got in the way and it sucked. BUT FINALLY IT HAPPENED. My sister got the tickets for my day of birth and I love her too much for this. It was literally just incredible to see a band I have always wanted to see live. Although it was the hottest venue I have ever been to and we were in the back, it was so much fun. We cried even more because we knew this was the last concert we would ever see of them because they announced they're taking a hiatus after this tour, which we see as they're never getting back together :(
My sister and I did our nails last weekend and tried to do the evil eye, but it didn't come out so great. It was pretty tough making the eyes even, but I really liked them! The terrible part was that they chipped literally the next morning even though I put a base coat so they only really lasted a couple of hours.....I really liked this picture of myself while I was waiting for my dad at school after a study session. So vain, but whatever I LOOK CUTE. It's kind of crazy realizing how much I have changed since my freshman year. You never really think about it. I am going to be a senior in a couple months and then I am off to college. So scary. How am I going to be a senior? Seniors seem so much older and taller and just I don't know, I still feel like a sophomore and I'm a junior. I don't know anything about being "an adult". I don't know anything about "adult things" adults do. I am so clueless and I'm going to be 18 in a couple of months. Am I even ready?
I was looking at my room when I woke up and I absolutely love it. It literally screams who I am. I pretty proud of who I have become. My sister always tells me how I am a great person and how I will be the best I can be when I go to college, which I appreciate greatly, thanks Gnat!!!!!! but sometimes I don't believe her. It's tough sometimes when you're stressed and just think you're done with everything, but every once in a while, especially at those moments, it is good to remind yourself how great you are! Every person has great qualities, no matter what. Society has made people point about their insecurities more than their better qualities and it has become a bad habit. People need to realize that making yourself sad isn't a cool thing to do and it never was.
Summer is coming to California so today one of my best friends and I decided to go swimming!!! My devil cousin also came over and we tried to convince her to come, but she wouldn't budge. It was such nice weather and felt sooo good to just swim around. I cannot wait till summer , it's less than a month away and I am ready for it. I just have to deal with these 2 weeks for AP, then I am free. Finals won't be too bad, so I just need to study for the next 2 weeks, balance my classes and I AM GOOD. Summer will hopefully involve me getting my license and planning for my senior year. Senior year will be such a busy one: hopefully leading 2 clubs, 4 AP classes and yearbook. Let's hope I won't have a breakdown!!!!
I try to always add a relatable story/lessons I think are important/etc. to my blogposts and hopefully you guys agree with me or find them interesting!! I always love reading people's thoughts and how they live their life. I've come to realize I am a very, very, VERY nosey person, like I love knowing about people's lives a little too much. If you want to blabber out about your life story, then I am the person to tell. I don't know if any of you do this, but I sometimes make up scenarios in my head about random strangers that look like they have a huge story behind them, when in reality they probably are just a normal suburban family. Well, wish me luck on my tests and if you are in the same position as me, good luck to you too, you'll do great!!!! =^^=
I love you, I really like that picture of you, too and I miss you. You're doing great in everything! So proud of you :)
I'm so glad summer is almost here. And I totally get what you mean about making up stories for people -- I literally sat in the parking lot of the grocery store one day and started watching people and wondering who they were and what they were doing. :)
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