Does it ever bother you that you can't walk around alone, ever, because you're afraid someone will cat call or harass you? Have you ever thought about that? Have you ever went alone somewhere? You might not think about it, but if you have never walked alone somewhere, you have probably thought about it subconsciously. Even at 12 in the afternoon there are people who stare at me, not just glancing, but there was a man, in a car,
staring at me, straight-out. A man also decided to blatantly stare at me while I was having lunch...WITH MY FAMILY. You may think that I am just paranoid, which a lot of the time I know I am and
know I am being paranoid, but there are times where I just
know that guy is staring at me. I may be pointing fingers at men, but most of the time it is men. I am not saying women can't be doing the same things, but the majority of those situations are created by men. It's not fair how women have to be cautious of where we go alone because we might encounter an unpleasant situation. People may say "well you shouldn't be walking alone if you know something may happen", but why can't the response be "men have to learn how to control themselves." We shouldn't have to do anything to stop men from doing things they aren't supposed to. Every time I want to walk alone, just for a nice stroll, I can't because I am too afraid something will happen,
even in the daylight. Is there anyway this can stop?
ANYWHO, here is a picture of my cute ass bunny and I. I don't take care of her much, but I sure do love this little shit.
I had a huge mess (and still do) on my desk due to birthdays coming up and realized my birthday gifts are the best yo. I make them so cute and get the best gifts. I am very proud of the work I put into them. Most of the time when I give gifts, I usually make something homemade that becomes part of the gift and love doing it. Hopefully the people receiving them love them just as much as I do, ahahhahah. OH and you may be wondering what the hell that self-portrait is back there well...
I made it in art this year ahhaahhha!!!! I made myself way too tan, but pretty proud of my work. Yes that was the picture I was supposed to paint, ahahhaha. I had to buy my own artwork because of the material we used, but this is well worth it. It'll make me laugh when I'm down!!!!
Well, I just wanted to make a little rant and share a few things so hope you all had a great Monday!!!!=^^=
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