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Well, senior year began three weeks ago and it's already been hectic. AP classes, having to think about college and how to improve my chances of getting into a UC, and well, everything. I've been happy though. I finally got to do something I've been wanting to get: GETTING MY NOSE PIERCING!!! Crazy, right? You think something won't happen, but it did and it's awesome.
Me with my Luna and piercing. 
OH YEAH. So I have blogged about driving and Luna Vagina, but I can drive to school now ALONE and have been driving a lot now!!! I mean I still make little mistakes, but my dad's screaming has toned down, which is a GREAT sign! I can't wait to get my license.....
School is okay, not the best, but I've been handling it. I actually went to a football game and my first high school dance this week. I've been there for three whole years and haven't gone to one single dance....AND I DONT REGRET IT. Honestly, I had fun, obviously because I was with my friends and who doesn't have fun with their friends? I just would rather be doing something else than dancing to crappy music. You guys, it wasn't "mainstream crap" crap, it was literally lame ass songs I couldn't sing to. Clearly, there were some songs I was able to sing, BUT the majority was terrible. I didn't want to go at first, I was planning to go to the game and then go home, but of course my friends made me go and I'm glad they did..because now I don't have to wonder hoW LAME THE DANCES ARE. I hope prom isn't that lame honestly. I'm just excited to buy a dress and shoes, ahhahahahahaha.

The majority of my life consists of sleeping, eating, watching Grey's Anatomy (season 6 now!), and doing homework. Simple, right? Nothing has happened much, not that I remember....
I am going to try to blog more, I would be truly disappointed in myself if I stopped before graduation, or ever really. Documenting my life has been so awesome. It's so cool to see how much I've grown and go back to the amazing memories I've made. My life may not be interesting, but it is to me, and maybe you and I thank you for that! It's 2 AM and I'm typing this on my phone (which means my pictures will be small sorry ill fix that soon) so I should probably go. I hope all of you reading this are loving life and actually are living it in happiness. Please don't spend another day moping around about something you can fix. Or something you shouldn't even be moping around about. You're alive. And that's awesome. Have a great weekend. Here's a picture of me and my best double chinned friends. =^^=

My Name: Josselyn

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In German my name means the tribe Gauts. In English it means me. It means quick, it means individuality. It is like the number ten. A bright color. It is the misunderstood chair, sitting in the corner.
It was a reporter's name on TV and now it is mine. She was a random woman, talking while my mother was in the hospital - with me inside her belly - going through contractions, she didn't think about it, it just happened.
That reporter. I have never seen her, but for some reason have obtained her name. I wonder if she's still on the news. I wonder if many people have had that happen to them. Have a name that doesn't have an entire story behind it. Short, and sweet.
Nobody ever spells it right. My parents didn't know how to write so they just sounded out the name and, POOF. It was written in a unique way. Joselyn, Jocelyn, Joselin, Jocelen. Teachers sometimes slip out a zzzzz sound but I don't know why. No z's. Only s's. Double s's. Friends at times call me Joss. Short, and sweet.

 Sometimes I'm not fond of my name. Nobody can spell it. I can never find the real meaning to it. But I like it. It is spelt with individuality. I wouldn't change it. Never.

Sorry I have been so gone from this blog! I should updater way more often, but I started school and had to type a little vignette like the one in House on Mango Street "My Name". I liked how it sounded so I thought I would put up here. Will post more!!!!
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