In German
my name means the tribe Gauts. In English it means me. It means
quick, it means individuality. It is like the number ten. A bright
color. It is the misunderstood chair, sitting in the corner.
It was a
reporter's name on TV and now it is mine. She was a random woman,
talking while my mother was in the hospital - with me inside her
belly - going through contractions, she didn't think about it, it
just happened.
reporter. I have never seen her, but for some reason have obtained
her name. I wonder if she's still on the news. I wonder if many
people have had that happen to them. Have a name that doesn't have an
entire story behind it. Short, and sweet.
ever spells it right. My parents didn't know how to write so they
just sounded out the name and, POOF. It was written in a unique way.
Joselyn, Jocelyn, Joselin, Jocelen. Teachers sometimes slip out a
zzzzz sound but I don't know why. No z's. Only s's. Double s's.
Friends at times call me Joss. Short, and sweet.
I'm not fond of my name. Nobody can spell it. I can never find the
real meaning to it. But I like it. It is spelt with individuality. I
wouldn't change it. Never.
Sorry I have been so gone from this blog! I should updater way more often, but I started school and had to type a little vignette like the one in House on Mango Street "My Name". I liked how it sounded so I thought I would put up here. Will post more!!!!
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