
Hello wonderful angels!!!! I should be sleeping, but I am too caught up in thinking about the future and it's making me shake. I don't know why it's hitting me so hard at random times? Perhaps (most likely), this is normal and that other people feel the same way, which comforts me, but it still sucks. Leaving high school is going to be so scary, I cannot believe it. These past four years have gone so quick and I know many say that or just think I'm being dramatic, but it's truly been quick!!! I mean I still feel like a 6 year old for pete's sakes!!!!! I cannot believe that I might move out soon, the thought of it just makes so anxious and excited!!! I think I might have come to my decision, but for some reason I haven't said it out loud or anything, I just keep pushing it back, but I feel like I know the answer aagaggghhhhh!!!!!!

So anyways, like I said in the previous post, I visited the two possible colleges and it was surreal. The cal state was very nice and it seems like a place I would like to live in! It's average, y'know, but it's in San Francisco and dear lordddyyy, that city is soooooo beautiful and crowded and just awesome? I feel like I can handle the cramped houses and scary hills, but there are cons to it as well, which maybe I'll make a pros/cons list and post it here.... but I didn't take any pictures of the school, I think I was just so into the idea, I didn't take any of the other school as well...weird., BUT here are some of the city!!!
Clearly this is SUCH  beautiful place and I am soooo lucky to actually have the opportunity to live in a city like this!!!!! It's just very hard to consider going to a Cal State instead of a UC, since I tried so hard to get into a UC, y'know? I don't really have the option of going to a UC, I mean I'm waitlisted so there is a chance, but man is that chance little. Well that issue aside, this place is magical, and if I come here, I won't complain.

Now I also visited UC Santa Cruz and okay, college, future, all that jazz aside, THE PLACE IS AMAZING!!!!! IT'S LIKE A NATIONAL PARK. Right in the middle of a damn forest guys!!!!! I could not believe my eyes when we first entered. IT'S HUGE!!!!!! It's such an incredible place, people who go to this school are soooooooo lucky!!!! I'm really upset I didn't take any pictures, except this dumb thing oh my lord:
I'M LITERALLY 6?!?!?! But you guys have to google this place, I couldn't believe it. Okay, so this city is known for their hippies and guess what....THERE ARE STUDENTS WHO LITERALLY LIVE IN TRAILERS!!!!!!!!! There's like this section for them to park it and I just wow...when I saw them, I didn't think it was real!!! Now back to reality, this school absolutely amazed me, it would literally be AN HONOR to come here, but the bad thing is that it's literally in the middle of nowhere and I don't know if I'm up for that?? I mean clearly, if I actually get in (I hope hope hope I do), I will go there, but it'd definitely be tough!!!! This school was an amazing visit and I just still can't believe it all. After we went there, on the way home, we decided to go through a highway where there MANY goooooorgeous views!!
This trip was huge for me and made everything more real, which is scary and exciting. Writing this post made me feel so much better, this always makes everything better so thanks for reading! College is approaching and it's terrifying, but man is this exciting!!!!! I'm sorry for all this college talk, but it's definitely my number 1 thought so it'll be here for a while hahahaha. Hope you all have a great week, I'm back at school tomorrow, sadly, back to the real reality: HIGH SCHOOL..DUN DUUUUUNNN!!!!! =^^=


(WARNING: I am sorry if the paragraphs and pictures look kinda off, I'm uploading this through my phone, but I shall fix it once I get on my laptop!! Oh and some paragraphs were written on different days so it may sound weird, but just rooollll with it.)
Hello my fellow angels!!! Hope you all are having fantastic days!! I just started spring break and so far I haven't done anything eventful, but that does not mean I haven't had fun staying home. I LOVE staying home these days because I just love my room. I think I've said it a million times, but I L O V E MY ROOM. It just has everything I want and need and gets my brain going and it's awesome. It sucks that I have to leave it at night because of my parents, but in the day I just look at it and want to do so many things!!!! Hopefully that's how I'll feel about my dorm room if I move out (which I most likely will AHHH). I won't be doing much this week, but working on my doodle book and going to visit the two schools that I might go to!!!!!! It's so exciting, but SOOOO terrifying at the same time.
(I made my own lava lamps!!!! They didn't come out as great as I wanted, but still VEERRYYY cool.)
Now here's a sad paragraph so if you don't want me to kill your mood..DON'T READ THIS!!! I have a little doodle book that I draw in, make collages, do little notes for myself, and I've also created a "sad" page. Whenever I'm upset I just write in it and do very sad doodles and i just looked back on it. Thankfully, it doesn't have much, it isn't full, but it just makes me upset that I can get THAT sad and that other people are depressed every.single.day. It just makes me so mad and upset that wonderful people have to deal with that. Why was sadness even created? Why was pain created? I understand WHY, but there's a certain extent that I just don't understand. It honestly SUCKS thinking about depression and people who deal with it on a daily basis. I'm so sorry if you are deal with that. I am so fucking sorry. I hope hope hope hope hope you find happiness as soon as possible. I don't like comparing my sadness to other's so I won't go on, but this is just what I have been thinking about.

Also my sister has been educating me on some vegan, very healthy foods lately because she has become a total health freak and so I've been exposed to that side. I have seen y'know random videos on vegan and what foods contain and why can't I pronounce the ingredients and such. I so badly want to become healthy and possibly vegetarian (vegan is super tough, I still gotta think about that), but it's super difficult to do that in a household where meat and non-organic products are a norm. Now I've never encountered this personally, BUT I have heard of vegans who CRITICIZE those who are NOT vegan and continue to eat meat from any grocery store and that makes me SO angry. Look, many (not all, I know) organic foods are expensive, suuuperrr pricey and personally, my family of currently 6 cannot afford those kinds of prices. I am SOOO sorry that my parents do not win enough to feed us vegan foods. And also, my parents, being Salvadorans, have been exposed to this ALL their life and so of course, naturally, they do that to us as well (feeding us anything). They never thought about how animals are treated and such because of their culture!!! Most of spanish-speaking countries are never exposed to that!!!! How do you expect us to all of a sudden change those habits?! It's SUPER difficult!!!!! I'm not saying we cannot try, which I certainly will once I move out, but DO NOT CRITICIZE those who are not vegan, INFORMING them is a much more friendly and compassionate form of educating those who are not vegan. If you're one those who do criticize us, stop. You are being ignorant and very unfair.

Well, I have finally gathered all of my colleges and i'm super upset at the moment. The schools that I have been denied from haven't really affected me, until I got my last letter. Yeah, it was a no, but a no from a school that wasn't even my top choice, but it has completely pushed me under the rug for some reason. I tried SO hard in high school and I end up with tears (not happy ones obviously). This sucks. It does. A lot. I know that this will all fall into place, I know. I know this won't matter later, I know that, but damn, it really fucking sucks. I just thought I would share that because I know a lot of teens read my blog and I just want to say, college moments suck, but they'll get better, even though right now, I don't believe that, but it will be.

So, since it's spring break obviously going out is obligated so my friend and I decided to explore the wonderful mess of the Orange Circle. I LOOOVVEEE this place because there are so many cool stores filled with random junk and it's just so awesome. Oh and we also went to this arboretum nearby so there's a picture here of that as well!!
We also decided to go to the beach this week as well so here's a picture of my friend looking supaaaaahhh cool!!!
It was my brothers birthday last weekend and I just can't believe this kid is already 15!!!! And he's the smartest little 15 year old ever!!!!! He's definitely going to be so successful and I'm just already so proud of the booger. He's way more intelligent, cool and talented than I am and I am VERY jealous, but VERY proud of him.
I wish I could say more, but I'm actually on my way to visit the 2 possible schools I may attend so I shall speak you all soon! =^^=


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Here's a post with a lot of different topics and random thoughts (and random pictures to look at if you like visuals better) because they're drafts that I never finished/published and feel like I should so here we go:
Dear anxiety,
       You've definitely ruined a lot of my days. You pop up randomly and completely kill my mood? I don't understand why you show up sometimes...can't you just leave me alone? I become more moody and rude and no one understands the feeling. Positivity won't kill you. Happiness won't kill you. Confidence won't kill you. You just consume me at random days. Anxiety, what the hell?! You're ruining days that could be filled with laughs and good good moments. It's not fair. One day you'll disappear and you won't be able to harass me anymore. One day. But for now, take it easy on me, please, because I don't think I can handle it anymore.

These days have definitely been rough, but I think I've gotten over it. If you have any tips on getting over anxiety or mild depression, pass it along to me because all I want to do is cry and I know that's something I shouldn't do while I'm feeling like this. I'm fine now, hopefully, so no worries. Life just gets in the way. College admissions are appearing anD ITS SO SCARY!!! I didn't get into one UC so far, which I'm not totally bummed about, I expected it so!!! But I thought I wanted to go to San Francisco, but now I don't know. It's a very confusing time right now, not fun at all. To whoever is also waiting for replies, all luck to you!!!! I hope you get into your top college choice!!!!
Little bit of a selfy with my cup that my friend gave me for my bday, so tru, ahahhaha.
I also got reminded that I'm in high school. And how dumb high school can be. My friends and I are very much different from the rest of the students at our school so we don't really experience those high school moments and when we do...WE DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO REACT. It's pretty funny. I'm glad I have friends who react the same way as I do. Definitely makes my day better.

Does anyone not realize it's 2015? Does nobody get that it is time to let people live? Why do people still think it's okay to call people, mainly girls, "sluts" in a negative way? Why do people make having sex regularly such a negative thing? Why are people still against gay marriage? IT'S PEOPLE'S GODDAMN LIFE. Why do people care so much, if you don't want to be around that, then don't put yourself around it, that's it. That's all you have to do. Why are there so many people out there that TRY to prevent gay people from getting married or discourage women from having sex? I truly don't understand why people like to make others' lives miserable. It just does not make any sense to me. It's 2015 everyone, it's time to let people live their own way.
Our shoes were so cool this day, we definitely win best shoes at school.
There has also been many conversations on sex consent, leading to victim blaming. Once again, IT'S 2015. Why do women still get blamed for getting raped because of their attire? No means no and just because a girl is drunk, does not make it okay if she says yes, she basically is unconscious. Overall, why do the victims even get blamed? It is nowhere near their fault, there is no valid argument to blame them. It just all does not make sense. Why are there so many social issues when it is 2015? It is ridiculous how many hidden misogynists there are, where they don't even know it themselves because society has made it okay to degrade women. Guys may be joking when they say sexist things, but truly, even if they don't know it, it is beyond rude and disrespectful and I'm completely sick of it. Girls everywhere, if you know what feminism is, why don't you call yourself a feminist (if you don't already)? Personally, I think every person, especially girls, should be feminists because it just makes sense!!! You don't care about social equality? uGH THE WORLD.
My friend and I doing a little reading on one of our rebellious days.
SOOOO like, have you ever heard someone say "I have no friends.." but you know they do so you're like"...?????..." yeah..I HATE THAT. You probably know the trend that people are seeing suicide/depression/etc. as a "cool thing" now, but we also have to think about loneliness. Loneliness does come along with those I listed, but people don't realize they are romanticizing specifically loneliness when they say "they have no friends" when they clearly do. There are two main reasons why saying that is uncalled for: 1) it insults the friends they actually do have, what you're saying your friends aren't actually your friends? I would be completely insulted. & 2) Loneliness isn't something people should take lightly because it has made people drop to depression, which isn't cool. It just makes me very angry that people think it's okay to say they have no friends when they are lucky enough to actually do have friends. They shouldn't insult them and loneliness like that. (hopefully this makes sense, it was written at midnight hahahaha).

You know what really gets my teeth grinding? People who think they can decide what others can and cannot wear. "Oh her stomach isn't flat, she should NOT wear crop tops." "Dude, she has NO ass, what is she doing with those yoga pants?" "Okay, that tight shirt with no muscles? He just looks like a dumbass." WHY. DO. YOU. CARE. They are NOT affecting your life in any crucial matter. You share your opinion on your social media, thinking it's morally correct, but it's not. There are opinions, of course, but then there are those statements where everybody knows that it'ss just WRONG. People need to stop thinking their opinion matters to everyone. Not everyone cares what you think, stop being so self-centered and thinking your opinion will chaaaaAAAaAaAAange the world. 
My brother that I am very proud of. Why did he turn out so much more smarter and cooler and more talented than me?!?!?!
It's kind of like this. I watched Silver Linings Playbook a finally. I was cruising around Netflix because I finally finished Gilmore Girls. The movie is about a man getting out of psych ward, trying to get back with his wife, but then falls in love with someone who has just as much problems as he does. They're both a bit crazy and I don't think that's the correct terminology but I don't mean it in a bad way. Anyways, they both get each other. They think alike and make each other feel comfortable. I sometimes feel alone in my mind but it's no big deal I'm not depressed or anything just I feel like no one really gets me. What I'm getting at is I hope I can find that person that I feel comfortable to say everything to. The one I'm going to get married with I guess. I've never had a real boyfriend. I think it's because I'm very complicated, mean, and kind of scare people off sometimes, which I totally understand. I just hope soon I can find someone I don't know. I don't really give a crap but I think I do...bye.
My outfit of the day, was pretty proud of this number
Well, that is all!! I hope I made you think or you agreed with me or you learned something new, I don't know!!! I hope you all had a fantastic week =^^=


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It's International Woman's Day today and I thought I would share the beauty of different women that I know in my life. I asked each of them to share a selfy that they love and feel good in. Each of them have such great beauty and are such fantastic human beings. Some I have known for a while and others I've met online and each are so unique and so beautiful. Self love is something that should be advertised. Self love helps people become happy. Self love is a majestic thing. I hope you all have obtained it or will one day. Remember that you are an "adorable, smart stairway to heaven."Always celebrate yourself and all women because we all gotta stick together!!! (starts singing "We're All In This Together" from High School Musical) (credits to Leslie Knope for some of the compliments and the idea of it)
Arleen, you wild, majestic giraffe.
Nataly, you elegant, tiny health monster.
Dana, you transcendent, little seahorse.
Steph, you spectacular cloud of brilliance.
 Priyanka, you gorgeous, strong ice sculptor.
Julissa, you delicious stack of pizza.
Karl Lo, you fluorescent lightbulb of weirdness.
Val, you priceless, expensive gem.
Zoe, you beautiful moonlight.
Vanessa, you're wonderful and you're delightful.
Brianna, you flawless apple pie.
Geraldine, you attractive, brilliant butterfly.
Mia, you sarcastic, fantastic sports car.
Abbey, you good-looking national park.
Brianna, you magnificent tree of life.

Thank you to all the angels above who participated in my little project. You all are tru gal pals and I cannot thank you enough. (♥◠‿◠) 
Alright, well here's my little speech that I thought I should share: You all have probably heard of feminism, whether in good light or bad. Either way, I would like to say -- DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. This is so important these days because of the amount of coverage different topics are getting in social media, where people get most of their information from (And it isn't a bad thing at all!). It is SO important for you to look up definitions and basic details about certain things and not get it all from the people you follow on twitter, tumblr, instagram, etc. They may be right, they may be saying the correct thing, BUT if you are going to stand by their opinion, you gotta do your own research as well. I have encountered people who do not believe in feminism because they've heard it's "man hating" and full of "girls who just want to complain," which is NOT AT ALL what it is. International Women's Day is celebrating the bravery women have gone through throughout the years. They're getting recognition. We should all definitely be celebrating the women in our lives everyday, but it's good to have a day dedicated just for women. Feminism promotes that. It promotes the beauty and greatness of every colored, disabled, shape/size, and/or in the LGBT community woman. Feminism is supposed to be a positive, wonderful thing and everybody should know that!!! 
Happy International Women's Day!!! Spend the day pampering yourself and eating your favorite foods and just do what makes you happy. You all are such a great people and I hope you have or find happiness in your life. 

It's definitely difficult to finally be happy in your own skin. We all have felt down about ourselves at some point, but at the end of it all, even if you haven't reached it yet, we begin to love ourselves and are happy with how things are. Don't put yourself down. Don't give up. You all will do such great things in life. "All is well." - J.K. Rowling. Thank you =^^=


HAPPY 100!!!! WOW!!!! 100 posts now. That's pretty cool...Anyways, life has been pretty fast moving and it feels like I haven't been able to catch up with it all. I'm graduating in 3 months and that's all my family thinks about really. There's a high chance of me moving out and it's VERY terrifying. I don't know what I would do without my mom, dad, sister, and brother. If I do move out, I may move hours away..unlike my sister..who I get to see basically every weekend, bUT if I move, then it'll be like 6 hours away. Okay, I need to stop thinking about this..

So, editing pictures has been SOSOOOO fun for me lately!!!!! I started playing around with the iphoto tools and it's so cool. Here are some pictures of my beaaauuutifullll bread friend from the day she went to a dance with a BOOOYYY for the first time (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Between pictures I'm just going to say a few things: I have been listening to new music lately and if you have been reading my blog for a while you know I LOOOVE DOING THAT, but I've been stuck trying to actually find some new bands, but I finally found some!!! It's very kind of different to the usual pop or slow rock kind of thing, very downbeat I usually listen to. These guys go all out and are insane. They are around my age and drink beer already and stage dive and let people go up on stage with them and it's just crazy. Yeah, they sound like douche teens, which they probably are, but I've been into the whole garage rock lately!! They are called The Orwells and Twin Peaks (they're actually not called after the show, but after a street or town). If you like garage rock, then you'll probably love these guys!!!
I've also been listening to Mac Demarco lately and he's super cute!!!!!! He seems like a bundle of fisherman joy and it's awesome. He's very folk-y and weird and he's just awesome. He always says "god bless" and likes to put a cigarette between his teeth and he's just very quirky, super cute kid.
I realized that my room is aesthetically pleasing, ahahhaha (these are taken in my room BTW). I am so in love with the way it looks right now and am so proud of it all!!! It still needs a few touches, especially on my wall, but overall it's so cute. I'm so sad, if I actually do move out I will have to take everything down because of my brother. I'm going to miss being able to put anything on my wall, which I can perhaps do that if I room with my friend, but basically having my own room is so cool. I always feel happiness when I walk in here and it just helps me with some of the problems I encounter with myself. It's definitely my safe haven and man, my room is like my best friend.
This was my favorite picture of her that I took that night. I am definitely into taking pictures and editing them at the moment so watch out for more photoshoots I do!!!!!
But I also have been in love with some of the outfits I have been putting together, for example, this one:
I felt like an gel that day and those are always the best days. I got some cool new pairs of shoes so I am very excited to put some outfits together with them and share them to the world!!!!!!
Alright well, that was just a bit of an update!!! Thanks for reading, enjoy your Sunday, eat some ice cream, look at the world because it sure is beautiful (at times), bye!!!! =^^=
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