Here's a post with a lot of different topics and random thoughts (and random pictures to look at if you like visuals better) because they're drafts that I never finished/published and feel like I should so here we go:
Dear anxiety,
You've definitely ruined a lot of my days. You pop up randomly and completely kill my mood? I don't understand why you show up sometimes...can't you just leave me alone? I become more moody and rude and no one understands the feeling. Positivity won't kill you. Happiness won't kill you. Confidence won't kill you. You just consume me at random days. Anxiety, what the hell?! You're ruining days that could be filled with laughs and good good moments. It's not fair. One day you'll disappear and you won't be able to harass me anymore. One day. But for now, take it easy on me, please, because I don't think I can handle it anymore.
These days have definitely been rough, but I think I've gotten over it. If you have any tips on getting over anxiety or mild depression, pass it along to me because all I want to do is cry and I know that's something I shouldn't do while I'm feeling like this. I'm fine now, hopefully, so no worries. Life just gets in the way. College admissions are appearing anD ITS SO SCARY!!! I didn't get into one UC so far, which I'm not totally bummed about, I expected it so!!! But I thought I wanted to go to San Francisco, but now I don't know. It's a very confusing time right now, not fun at all. To whoever is also waiting for replies, all luck to you!!!! I hope you get into your top college choice!!!!
I also got reminded that I'm in high school. And how dumb high school can be. My friends and I are very much different from the rest of the students at our school so we don't really experience those high school moments and when we do...WE DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO REACT. It's pretty funny. I'm glad I have friends who react the same way as I do. Definitely makes my day better.
Does anyone not realize it's 2015? Does nobody get that it is time to let people live? Why do people still think it's okay to call people, mainly girls, "sluts" in a negative way? Why do people make having sex regularly such a negative thing? Why are people still against gay marriage? IT'S PEOPLE'S GODDAMN LIFE. Why do people care so much, if you don't want to be around that, then don't put yourself around it, that's it. That's all you have to do. Why are there so many people out there that TRY to prevent gay people from getting married or discourage women from having sex? I truly don't understand why people like to make others' lives miserable. It just does not make any sense to me. It's 2015 everyone, it's time to let people live their own way.
Our shoes were so cool this day, we definitely win best shoes at school.
There has also been many conversations on sex consent, leading to victim blaming. Once again, IT'S 2015. Why do women still get blamed for getting raped because of their attire? No means no and just because a girl is drunk, does not make it okay if she says yes, she basically is unconscious. Overall, why do the victims even get blamed? It is nowhere near their fault, there is no valid argument to blame them. It just all does not make sense. Why are there so many social issues when it is 2015? It is ridiculous how many hidden misogynists there are, where they don't even know it themselves because society has made it okay to degrade women. Guys may be joking when they say sexist things, but truly, even if they don't know it, it is beyond rude and disrespectful and I'm completely sick of it. Girls everywhere, if you know what feminism is, why don't you call yourself a feminist (if you don't already)? Personally, I think every person, especially girls, should be feminists because it just makes sense!!! You don't care about social equality? uGH THE WORLD.
My friend and I doing a little reading on one of our rebellious days.
SOOOO like, have you ever heard someone say "I have no friends.." but you know they do so you're like"...?????..." yeah..I HATE THAT. You probably know the trend that people are seeing suicide/depression/etc. as a "cool thing" now, but we also have to think about loneliness. Loneliness does come along with those I listed, but people don't realize they are romanticizing specifically loneliness when they say "they have no friends" when they clearly do. There are two main reasons why saying that is uncalled for: 1) it insults the friends they actually do have, what you're saying your friends aren't actually your friends? I would be completely insulted. & 2) Loneliness isn't something people should take lightly because it has made people drop to depression, which isn't cool. It just makes me very angry that people think it's okay to say they have no friends when they are lucky enough to actually do have friends. They shouldn't insult them and loneliness like that. (hopefully this makes sense, it was written at midnight hahahaha).
You know what really gets my teeth grinding? People who think they can decide what others can and cannot wear. "Oh her stomach isn't flat, she should NOT wear crop tops." "Dude, she has NO ass, what is she doing with those yoga pants?" "Okay, that tight shirt with no muscles? He just looks like a dumbass." WHY. DO. YOU. CARE. They are NOT affecting your life in any crucial matter. You share your opinion on your social media, thinking it's morally correct, but it's not. There are opinions, of course, but then there are those statements where everybody knows that it'ss just WRONG. People need to stop thinking their opinion matters to everyone. Not everyone cares what you think, stop being so self-centered and thinking your opinion will chaaaaAAAaAaAAange the world.
My brother that I am very proud of. Why did he turn out so much more smarter and cooler and more talented than me?!?!?!
It's kind of like this. I watched Silver Linings Playbook a finally. I was cruising around Netflix because I finally finished Gilmore Girls. The movie is about a man getting out of psych ward, trying to get back with his wife, but then falls in love with someone who has just as much problems as he does. They're both a bit crazy and I don't think that's the correct terminology but I don't mean it in a bad way. Anyways, they both get each other. They think alike and make each other feel comfortable. I sometimes feel alone in my mind but it's no big deal I'm not depressed or anything just I feel like no one really gets me. What I'm getting at is I hope I can find that person that I feel comfortable to say everything to. The one I'm going to get married with I guess. I've never had a real boyfriend. I think it's because I'm very complicated, mean, and kind of scare people off sometimes, which I totally understand. I just hope soon I can find someone I don't know. I don't really give a crap but I think I do...bye.
My outfit of the day, was pretty proud of this number
Well, that is all!! I hope I made you think or you agreed with me or you learned something new, I don't know!!! I hope you all had a fantastic week =^^=
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