Longest. Weekend. Ever. Full of happiness, annoying moments, and realization. A whole bunch of family flew over from Georgia to attend my sister's UCLA graduation. It was a huge event that I am glad is finally over, hahaha. I made a lot of the decorations so it was pretty stressful for me! Although, the feeling of having family around was absolutely worth it. I realized that I love my family, and not just my "house" family, but my cousins and aunts and uncles and everyone. It was sooo cool having everyone around!!! They are super different from me and are kinda weird, bUT beyond that, it was so fun having actual cousins around! I have two that are around the same age as me so it was different not having cousins that are below the age of 5! I was also able to meet a cousin that was born a couple of months ago and ah man guys, I wish I got to see him more often, cutest kid EVEEERR. I was actually very sad to see them all go..I do have more family that haven't left, so that's cool, but they'll be leaving soon and this season of family will be officially over and it sucks! Every time someone would say "family first" I alawys just thought of my siblings and parents, but this weekend made me realize that that phrase involves your cousins and aunts and uncles and everyone even if they are different and live far away. I know they'll always be here to support me and that's so cool!!!
Here's a few pictures from this weekend:
I am so incredibly proud of my sister. She is the best sister I could ever ask for and I cannot thank her enough for everything she has done.
Yeah..basically my entire mom's side of the family went to her graduation, hahahahah. We were probably one of the loudest groups inside and it was pretty awesome. I love every single one of these humans so very much. (And if you can zoom in, you can see the pins I made for everyone to wear, I'm very happy I took the time to make them)
Especially this one.
We then went straight to the party and it was quiiittte a riot! Hahahah, there were tears, hugs, anxiety (for me), and much love.
This day was definitely memorable, for everyone I think. My sister is seriously my hero. She didn't do very well in high school, having to go to community college first, and then now..she has graduated from one of the best UCs in California. How amazing is that!?!?!?! There's inspiration everywhere, I get inspired by social media, friends, random people on the street, but my sister is definitely my number one inspiration. My brain is completely asleep right now because I have done NOTHING today so this post is quite short and I can't think of anything else to say except: always keep your family or friends, whoever make you happy, close because man they can be so great sometimes. Hope you all are having a grrreaaaat summah!!! =^^=
Awww, I love that feeling when your entire family is around! That's how I felt when I was in Mexico a couple of months ago. And I even when I see my family that lives near for the first time in a couple of weeks. I don't know, family is pretty cool.
Congrats to your sister!!
Yeah, it definitely is a special time whenever you're with family, I think it's because you're connected in a special way, I love it. And thank you!!!
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