I like to know. I like to understand. I like to be right. I like to be certain. But I also like to learn. I like look at things from a different perspective. I like to ask questions.
My friends and I went to our local fair last Friday and Arleen (who is not pictured because she was the one taking them all) is always the only one who takes candids of me. I'm usually the one behind the camera so I love when she does it nonchalantly hahahhaha. Anyways, here are a few pictures of that day as a sort of break from all my thoughts hahahah - *camera provided by Karl Lo, pictures taken by Arleen*
In all honesty, I feel like I know..A LOT and I mean A L O T for basically having no experience in basically..anything?!?!? It's kind of crazy. Every time someone asks me for advice (usually relating to relationships/sex) and I give them some reasonable advice, I end up questioning myself like..how did I know to say that?!?! I mean it was good advice to be honest, but I have never been in those situations. What does that say about me? Have I learned these things through someone indirectly? Did I just gather up information from different tv shows/movies I've seen!?!?!?! It sounds ridiculous, but you just have to know what situations to take serious and what not. I'm still a teen and still have a lot to learn, clearly, but I feel kind of prepared for what life throws at me? Maybe I just think that and once I'm put in the situation it'll be completely different, but I don't know..I think a lot. I've probably thought about every situation in every possible way and how to fix it/get away from it. Hopefully I'm prepared, I mean being heartbroken and not being able to be comfortable with a significant other and questioning people's loyalty does NOT sound fun...I need to be able to speak my mind and do what I think is right.

I look like a zombie here, it's sooo funny and sooo creepy.
I also wanted to talk a bit about problematic "famous" people, specifically musicians. Now some people can separate a band's/artist's music from the actual person's/people's actions. They can be two completely different things, liking music, liking the person. I used to think that you had to like the person in order to support them and buy their music, etc. I think it's important to think about the person's/people's actions before giving them money basically and making them more well known. Although I still think that, I also think you can still like a band/musician even if their problematic, but in my opinion and what I (try) to do is not buy their music, go to their shows, etc., which maaayyy sound kind of asshole-ish, but how am I supposed to give money to a (for example) racist person?!?!?! That's so not cool!!!! It just doesn't make sense to me.
Also my brother went on a little "not" date with a girl today and it was very weird, he's growing up. *tears*
I was going to talk about something else, but now that I has me made think about something different...do we have a right to talk about something that does not relate to us personally? We don't completely understand, and even if we try to, can we still talk about it? Do we have..the right I guess? Maybe it depends on different people, but man...now I'm scared to talk about things maybe I shouldn't talk about because it doesn't relate to me? I just like to give out a piece of my pie, but maybe..I shouldn't...? I know everyone has opinions, but if we haven't experienced it are those opinions really...valid? Comment your thoughts because I really don't know...I guess it depends on the situation as well.

Okay last thing: DANCING IN YOUR ROOM ALONE IS SUCH A HEALER. JUST TO...ANYTHING. Honestly if you're ever feeling down, try putting a nostalgic, happy song and just dance/sing to it. You may feel silly, but that's the point!!! Forget about everything for at least one song and just listen to the lyrics and feel the happiness!!!! I promise, it works.
So far I've been pretty proud of "YOU" and I still got a few people lined up and I am very excited!!! Also, I am moving out in less than 2 weeks, which has made me feel very down sometimes and given me anxiety. I handled it though with the whole dancing/singing medicine, hahahah. Well, that'll be it!! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend =^^=