In high school you meet the best and worst people. You meet people who you talk to only once a day. You meet people you know..but not really know. You meet people who you really like to talk to, but don't really know them really well, but you want to know more about them. That's Ariel. Such a sweet and cool person that I definitely want to hang out with more often. She's up for anything and we have a lot of the same interests. (Also she looked very cute the day I talked to her.) We talked about the world, music, shows, and her boyfriend. One of the things I loved that she said was that she gets annoyed of her boo-thaaaang. I JUST CRACKKKEEDDD UP. Of course she was only kidding (kinda), but I just felt that that would be something I would say if I was in a relationship, it was awesome.
Of course I had to mention the Interweeebbbzzzz. One thing she found most interesting was the entire Caitlyn Jenner story. She related it it to herself and explained that it would definitely be weird if that happened personally, which I totally get. A lot of us take stories and relate it to our personal life, which I think helps us learn more about ourselves and actually learn from that. Sometimes you realize maybe you're not as open as you thought you were or the complete opposite. Obviously things like this, we all have to unite and help people who are going through difficult transitions, even if we find it "weird". We have to be able to overlook our opinions and think about what others are going through...y'know?
Random facts about Ariel:
- favorite show: Grey's Anatomy
- favorite song: Let Her Go - Mac Demarco
- favorite person: her boyfriend (isn't it cool [and perhaps cheesy, sorry Ariel, you know I luv u], but cool to actually be able to say your significant other is your favorite person?!?!?! I think that says a lot, y'know?
- favorite HOOOOTTTIIIIEEEE: Jesse Williams (who plays Dr. Avery in Grey's Anatomy, TOTAL babe)
- only has been to ONE concert!!!! which was Red Hot Chili Peppers
I also asked her what advice has stuck with her and she said "You have to move on. Bad stuff happens, but you can't do anything about it." Cynical thoughts, but VERY true. Sometimes people get stuck on the negative aspects in life and that shapes their personality and negativity does not make for a nice person. You have to be able to look at the bad thing, face it, and realize you can't do anything about it. All you have to do is either fix it, learn from it, or make it better. Bad situations help you grow!!!! That was something I was reminded of. I do poooonnnnddeeerr over bad things too much sometimes, so thanks Ariel for reminding me of that!!!!
One thing I loved about our conversation was that I was able to talk to her about my crazy brain!!! I explained that I take little things and just overthink about them so I wanted to ask for her opinion on one of those little things: guilty pleasures. I always thought that that phrase "guilty pleasure" was ridiculous like whhhhhyyy have we created a phrase that sort of makes being embarrassed about something kind of positive? Why are we embarrassed of certain things? Shouldn't we just be able to say "I LOVE_______" without any resentment?!?!?! She answered with how people can be judgmental so that makes us humans shrink down and regret saying what we said. The moral of the story is: don't be judgmental, you never know how hurt the other person can be and how much you can actually change them, even if they're your friend or if it was something little.
Well, there ya have it!!! "YOU" number two!!! Thank you so much to Ariel, you rock my socks off, thank you for participating in this, it means a ton!!! Hope you enjoyed the second person on "YOU" as much as I enjoyed talking and taking pictures of them. =^^=
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