You don't know how many times I have tried typing up a post on this blog these past few years!!! I currently have 55 drafts (don't worry - those are from 2015 to now lol) so clearly I have a problem with finishing shit. I have practiced self-compassion on that regard. I was working on finishing college, working, working, and more working, and then graduating, and then working, working, working. So finishing different projects has been pretty difficult!
Anyways, these are pictures I took and edited and thought were cute so enjoy those while also reading about thoughts (which is what this blog was always about).
cLEARLY, it is a rough time for us all around the world, but I'm not sure if I want to add more dialogue to that for now, I'll just talk about my journey to seeeeelf-love and giving myself compassion.
When I was in high school and all the way through to starting college, I thought self-love and care was something you achieved at one point of your life, like your perfected it. I roll my eyes now at that thought because that is soooooo not how it goes. It is a goddamn process. You literally could love yourself one day and feel confident as hell and then all of sudden...BUH-BANG, you are feeling the complete opposite. Like night and day! I have also learned that binary language does not serve us whatsoever, which I will talk more about in another post (hopefully...also may have talked about it in the past...not sure...)
We don't know anything, ever. About Anything!!! I sometimes feel like I peaked mentally, like I have perfected my emotions, my actions, my thoughts. I know who I am and who I will become. But that is also incorrect. I always knew that we were ever-growing beings, but I never applied that completely to myself. I knew that I could learn more about my surroundings and others, but never related it to literally myself. I, internally, am ever-growing. Some days I won't feel like myself and other days I'm like daaammnnn bitch, you got this. And that is called GROWTH!
I've been feeling a bit down about ohhh many of things so pouring these feelings felt good. It feels good to release thoughts like this and re-reading them. It's a form of growth and self-reflection! I hope I can be consistent one day. I hope you are all taking care of yourself and of others by doing your part. Sending love to you all!
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So relatable !! Here's to growth in this strange time...glad ur back on blogger hehe! <3
Thanks Zoe!! :-)
I loved this!
Hi! What blogger template you are using pls?
Hi! Is this your last blog?
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