Well, hello there beautiful humans! Hope you're all doing just fine! I am doing pretty well, I mean I've got Kit-Kat minis beside me--what more do i want?! Today, I was really proud of my outfit and i haven't been proud of an outfit in a while!!!! I think school gets me more motivated to think of new outfits since I actually have to get dressed.
Okay, well I decided to wear Princess Leia buns (which I like to call 'alien buns') and aw man, I love doing them (as I have said in this post)! They just make my head look cute, hahahaha.
dress--thrift store // necklaces--found them // i actually have black leggings under the dress that I cut into shorts--target // socks--walmart ( つ﹏╰)// shoes--thrift store
Here is a closer look into my necklaces. YES, that is a Deathly Hallows necklace that my sister found and I am in love. Free Harry Potter stuff???? How can you NOT be happy about that. The pearl necklace is actually meant to be used as a sort of ribbon for crafts but I like to wear it as a necklace. Just a little extra to spice up my outfit a bit, hahahahah.
bleep, bloop
Now, here are things I have learned recently:
- Downloading music is freaking AWESOME. I have downloaded 3 playlists that I have found from a lovely girl I follow on tumblr and I just can't stop listening to them.
- 80's and 90's music is SO great. I mean they are my favorite decades fashion wise, but now I basically love it all around.
- Patience is a freaking virtue. My sister always tells me that, but I just hate it. Hate it with a passion, but it is true. You cannot live without patience because then you just won't go anywhere. Life = Patience // sadly.
- Doctor Who makes me incredibly happy. If you have not seen the show, just go. Go right now AND WATCH IT. You are missing out on so much. It is just a great show, overall.
- Being creative is such a privilege. I don't really think I am that creative, but I like to believe so. Creative people are just so....CREATIVE. I love them!!!! I think I have a more creative mind than a creative hand, y'know what I mean? Like I think of creative stuff, but don't actually do them. Ahhhhh, I don't know why.
- One Direction's new song 'Best Song Ever' IS THE BEST SONG EVER. How can you not love them, like c'mon? (here's the video if you'd like to see)
- Mirror selfies are very fun. Yes, I am guilty in taking crappy selfies with my crappy phone. Heh, heh.
Annnnnnd, I think that's most! OH and this little munchkin below, is a total trouble maker. We went to the store earlier and it was total chaos. But she did make me a realize something. Not only that patience is a virtue, but that you just have to think positive through out everything. No matter what, just think positive. Positivity is the key to life. BE HAPPY. (She is so cute, but I like to call her the devil, haaaaah.)
BTW, I just realized she has Grimes bangs (here's a picture of her if you do not know her). She is super cool okay. Here's her wikipedia page (wikipedia has saved my life in so many ways) if you would like to look into her.
ANYWAYS, that is all! I hope all of you have a fabulous Monday. Stay cute =^^=
P.S. Thank you SO much for everyone who actually reads my posts. I don't know if any of you know how much that makes me smile. Thank you.