Hello there few people of Earth! Yayyy, it is Saturday and one more week till Thanksgiving break, thank thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't quite like using the phrases "thank god" "oh my god" "oh my lord" "thank the lord" type of thing because it's kind of like asking God for help, but I am not religious so it isn't fair for me to say that in my opinion, I don't know! So, I always try to think of other words to say instead of "god" or "lord" and it is hard to find one that is catchy and easy to say, y'knoooow!!! If ya have any suggestions pleaseeee tell me, I am in need of a word.
I recently went to a musical my high school pulled off and it was amazing as ever. I am quite proud of the theatre at my school, one of the best in the county ayyy!!! I have been in 2 productions and it is so much fun being in one, but I haven't auditioned for the last couple of productions because of my AP classes and majooooor anxiety. Auditions suck, so I don't think I will be doing more, but I am glad I got to experience a musical and play!! Fun, fun, fun.
Well, here is my outfit of the day even though I didn't go annnnnywhereeee except to get food, haaaaah. I went for a little "hippie" look and it was fun and comfortable!!
// crop top - cotton on // high waisted orange pants - thrifted // jujus - aa //
I alsooooo put some gold glitter onto my eyeball lids, my brother still needs some practice on close up pictures, but I thought it looked cute with my outfit so I had to share it!!!! Oh and sorry for the pimples shot like I can't hide them, MAKE UP IS NOT MY FRIEND. I tried putting eyeliner on the other day and I thought "Awww it looks so cute" but that was when I put it on my waterline and then I tried top eyeliner and I gave up. SO, I was ready to take it off AND IT LITERALLY WOULD NOT COME OFF. I was so sad, I swore I would never do that again. How do girls wear eyeliner AND foundation AND eye shadow AND bronzer AND blush AND mascara AND fake eyelashes AND a whole bunch of other crap like uh yeah no thx. I do not have enough patience and strength for that. Blush, lipstick, that is all for me.
Tonight, I spent my time eating hot wings, my lovers, and finishing up all of Doctor Who. I only had like 3 episodes left, I had to catch up before the 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF DOCTOR WHO ON NOVEMBER 23RD WHERE BILLIE PIPER AND DAVID TENNANT APPEAR AND I WANT TO CRY BECAUSE THEY'RE MY FAVORITES. Ok, sorry I had to scream that because I aM SO EXCITED. Sigh, life is great. One Direction day is on that day as well where they are doing a livestream for like 7 hours and yes my friends and I will be watching all of it. So it'll be a great day then their new album shall be coming out on the 25th AND IM JUST SO EXCITED FOR EVERYTHING.
Question: Listen to the song 'Supermodel' by Jill Sobule. It was on the soundtrack a very popular 90s movie called Clueless. Tell me what you think of it, but take in the idea that if that song came out in today's world, people would be yelling and arguing about it, whereas when it came out in this movie, it was just a song. {Here is the song if you'd like to hear it.}
Now, when I heard this song, AGGHHHHH, I loved it so much. It has such a fun beat to it and I felt like it was all girl power and 'I can do whatever I want' kind of thing 'nobody can bring me down' y'know? And then it came up to the part where it said "I didn't eat yesterday, I'm not gonna eat today, I'm not gonna eat tomorrow, cause I'm gonna be a supermodel." I was so shocked at it like if this song came out today, oh dear you know Sobule would get attacked. But she didn't back then. Why's that? Why has the world today turned everything into SUCH a bad thing, and not only this. Yes, this is a very, very bad example for girls, I am not denying that. She might have been sarcastic, who knows? This song is so much fun and I love it. It just suxxx how in today's world everything is taken very serious and people take everything in a hurtful way and we shouldn't be like that! We should be carefree and enjoy life. Yeah, part of this song seems like a bad influence, but over all I love it, it's just a fun song I like to sing.
Arpenis: In the 90's everyone kind of just went with the flow and I don't really know much about the song but it all seems very sarcastic and fun and something you want to dance to and that's why people enjoyed it, and now in society most people take life too seriously and can't enjoy music like that because it makes them uncomfortable or it just feels disrespectful. I reaaaaaallllly like the song It makes me wanna get up and dance but I didn't really think about it too much and then I payed closer attention to how people feel about it and looked at some of the comments people put on youtube and a lot of people are really defensive over it and I see their points and it's true, it's just nobody really looked at the side of those problems when it first was out, it was all just fun fun fun you know?
Julissa: I feel like when the song in Clueless, it was simply a girly song put into a movie but when you listen to it out of context from the movie, it seems to be encouraging horrible things. The song talks about anorexia and not needing an education. I think if many people heard that song today it
would really negatively affect them. Right now social media, websites like tumblr and magazines, already make people feel bad about themselves and this song would Only strengthen that feeling
Mia: I believe that this song shows the reality behind the mentality of girls today. Maybe lyrics didn't mean as much to society before and today they mean everything. People view themselves in a completely different way because they have a set imagine in mind, for examples celebrities, models, and the "popular" girls at school. Everyone wants to be someone that they aren't and they find different ways to cope with it... unfortunately it's not always the right way, but everyone has their own ways. In society today everyone and everything gets judges so easily and it leads individuals to many different things. For example, the song shows the emotional struggle of a girl with an eating disorder who is striving for the picture perfect image. That's what many people, not only girls, desire today and they will go to such an extreme extent to achieve personal satisfaction.
HAHA love this lady! first off, that hair! just stop. and AMEN on the whole make up thing. I have no idea how girls do it. I have absolutely NO idea what i am doing. haha
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