I might just have had an existential crisis so I am having a HUUUUGE brain fart. I hate when I get myself and 5 million other people confused so everybody is just asking "what?!?!?" "whaaaaat" "what" "wut" "what?" "what!!!!" Ayeeee, makes me want to dig hole and dive into it and never come out. Well, today they were going to change our carpet for the WHOLE APARTMENT so we literally had to move EVERYTHING and ANYTHING touching the carpet. It was a real pain the butt. I hate life (especially since I had to be woken up). So, here is my outfit of the day! I took phone pictures because of laziness in taking out the other camera..and my brother wasn't home to take them, ahahhaha.
// dress - thrifted // jacket - thrifted // knee high sox - target // boots - h&m //
Today, we had a nice little lunch to In-N-Out. I wanted to take a cool profile picture of them, but my brother, who hates having pictures taken of him, saw me taking a picture and hid his face, having everyone see that I was taking a picture, which I didn't want to happen. Candid pictures are always the best in my opinion. What a QT family thoooo (missing my sister).
We were waiting for our food and thought my boot looked cool. I always like taking random pictures, but without anybody looking because then they either A) make fun of you B) ask what you're doing, causing a scene or C) trying to ruinng the picture. Also, my boot is unzipped because it's broken, but I don't have the heart to throw them away :-((((
Since we had to move every single thing off the carpet, we had to take apart our bunk beds. Here's the little kid fixing it back up. I am trying to be a nicer sister to him, but it's so hard because he does certain things that piss me off on purpose and it's like JBEBFRKBERIBGILRBEIVBREIBRIBERUIBE. yeah. (btw he didn't know I took this picture, which is why you can actually see him)
I also got a new board for my wall and I'm suuuuuper happy about it because it comes with a whiteboard!!! I really need a push when I'm doing my homework so I wrote some college stuff on it, plus my graduation cords information to remind me if I want cords, I gotta work. I do have the list of schools I want to apply to with backups, but my issue is WHAT DO I WANT TO MAJOR IN?!?!?!?! I really don't want to go to a university undecided because I feel like it is such a waste of time. I do have a few ideas, but they aren't settled. I want to work in the media, but that is so expanded I don't know where to start looking. Any ideas??? PLEASE HELP. I hate thinking about this, gives me anxiety. LESS THAN A YEAR TILL I HAVE TO APPLY FOR COLLEGE, WTFFF. (btw to the left, there is a boxer-wearing Liam Payne..I had to...IT WAS IN A MAGAZINE)
I put my old board in my closet to put some clothes inspoooo on it, but so far I just decided to put some of my concert tickets on it, ahahahhha. We'll see what I do in the future.
I also decided to put all my One Direction deluxe CDs for display because I thought it would look cool, but really it looks like a shrine with my Harry cut out..PRETTY HILARIOUS. But I don't care, I left it, ahahahahaha. PLUUUUS, I have been wanting to get a One Direction blanket for so long AND I FINALLY FOUND ONE. It's kind of uggggly, but it's still cute and VERY soft and it makes me feel happyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!
Welcome to one of Josselyn's crazed One Direction phases. My One Direction phase comes and goes, but I still love them throughout, but I have those moments where the bar reaches far away universes and it has started again. Soooo, many posts may include a bit (or a lot) of One Direction, SORRY. OH AND I MIGHT GO TO THEIR NEXT TOUR AND IM SUPER EXCITED. I'm glad my mom would never refuse One Direction tickets for me. She's da 1. OKAYY, well hope you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving! =^^=
hahaha omg I'm so glad you post and I could see little glimpses of home life. This was one of my favorites. LOVE YOU.
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