I feel very uninspired.
I was looking through old pictures, and man have I changed. I don't know if it's a good change or a bad one. one little thing that has changed is me doing my makeup. I didn't put a lot, but I did eyeliner and mascara, and would sometimes use cool colored eyeliner. Now, I just put glitter, blush, and lipstick. Done. I can't tell if I had more confidence then, or now. I took a lot of selfys. A whoollleee ton and now, I don't take as much. I usually only take outfits pictures, but none of my actual face. I have no idea what changed. Maybe I care way less of how I look? but that's not really possible because I take my time choosing an outfit and making an effort. Again, less confidence? I feel like I've gained a lot of confidence since two years ago. Maybe I had more time to take real selfys? That might be a reason. Maybe it was high school judgements were being thrown at me? Also, another possibility.
Anyways, here's one picture from each photoshoot I've done. I'm hoping to do more this year because god, I really love looking back on these. Hopefully by looking at these, it will help my creative juices flow. ALSO, I think I'm going to try to blog every Sunday, so let's hope I can do it!!(I really appreciate all of my friends who were in numerous of these, sometimes it felt awkward, but you guys look BEAUTIFUL.) (also these are in chronological order, circa 2014-2016) =^^=
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