
I'm telling you, I LOVE cheesy stuff. Dumb teen/romantic movies, inspirational quotes/speeches, music lyrics, jokes, just everything!! I find them all so entertaining and fun and so simple, it's just great. I get so inspired when I'm watching a dumb youtube video and then all of a sudden the youtuber puts in an speech about them growing into the person they want to be or finally figuring out their purpose in life or something like that and I just LOVE it. Those teen movies that have the same plot as every other teen movie make me want to become that main character, in a positive way, for example, getting outfit inspiration from them or wanting to become more of an open person or needing a change, etc. I get so motivated by such simple things, and I absolutely love myself for that. Everyday if I just watch a youtube video it gives me energy to want to continue doing something or try something new, no matter what it is. Before typing this I watched a youtube video and just got the idea to write about my adoration towards cheesy things. Getting ideas for blogposts, even if it's just for a little paragraph, is SO fun for me because I get to express my brain in my own words without anyone telling me anything!! It's such a..rush for me, I can't get enough of this.
Here's an outfit of the daaay, celebrating me FIINNAALLLY getting my license!!!! 
// white long sleeve - thrifted // dress - thrifted // shoes - some knock-off shoe store // buttons - eBay, DIY gift, Burger Records, concert find //
This paragraph above kind of makes me think I'm a pretty passionate person. Whenever someone brings up a band or movie I love, I go absolutely crazy!!! Because I love things so much!!! I love talking about my views and my outfits and my collection of movies/music and I love introducing them all to people, it makes me want to scream (and I actually do scream)!!!! Since moving to SF and hanging with a (kinda) different group of people, I've been asked THE SAME question almost everyday, "WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING!?!?!?" And all I could is, "I DON'T KNOW, LEAVE ME BEEEE!!!" But now..I think I get why I scream (other than the family genetics), because of that passion. That passion of talking about Harry Potter and how to make buttons and how flippin' CCCUUTTTEEE that dress is. I can't get enough of the things I love!!!! And, again, I love myself for that. I love that I scream in the middle of conversations (even though my friends probably hate it). I love that I can talk about the things I love for HOURS on end. It's great. I bet this is most people, but noticing it has given me motivation. What are your passions!?!? What do you guys love!?!?! I would LOOVEEE to know!!!! =^^=


Zoe Thompson said...

That outfIT IS AMAZING, and it's great that you're so passionate about things!! These days I feel like a lot of young people (including myself) are too afraid to say what they're passionate about because we're not really encouraged to be most of time but idk! xo

Josselyn Palma said...

Thank you!!! And I totally get ya, I've seen a lot of people being shut down for their opinions or passions just because the other person doesn't really get it. I think a lot more people need to be considerate of other people's views, it's not wrong just because it's a different opinion. Don't be afraid to speak your mind, you have a right to have your opinions and likes/dislikes :-)

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