My "new year" posts are always hella long so let's try to make this a short one.
2015 was the year I realized how important loving yourself is. It was the year I took SO MANY selfys because of the new fact I learned.
The year I tried spreading that.
...visited amazing locations, such as Salvation Mountain and Joshua Tree.
...just didn't give a shit about what anyone thought of me.
...realized how stupidly expensive disposable cameras are...even though I might buy one soon...
...rocked the hell out of denim on denim.
...watched Twin Peaks and fell in love with it.
...realized Justin Young is the man for me.
...realized how much I love taking pictures and editing them.
...GALentine's was a hit for the second time.
...watched the Office and never hated a character so much (Michael Scott) due to annoyance.
...cried for an entire day and didn't know why. my nose pierced...and took it out.
...started listening to a completely different genre of music.
...realized the topic of "friends" is stupid and unnecessary for me to think about because I will be okay.
...made lava lamps and thai milk tea.
...went to my first concert that had a mosh pit and had the best time.
...joined a mosh pit and had THE BEST time.
...finally passed an AP test (two actually) and never felt more proud of myself.
...actually went to school dances + prom and realized I didn't miss anything throughout high school.
...grew out my pits.
...frickin' graduated high school!!!!
...decided what college I will attend.
... saw The Orwells, Twin Peaks, The Garden, FIDLAR, and went to Runaway Fest. smart ass sister graduated from UCLA!!! see my family from Georgia and had such a great time with them all.
...watched Friends and envied every single one of Rachel's outfits.
...started making embroideries. over One Direction..completely..
...finally got cool ass clear glasses!!!!
...started "YOU".
...realized how much I LOOOVVEEEE High School Musical.
...started learning how to skate! sister threw the most awesome surprise party eeevvveerrrr.
...started college.
...made new (awesome) friends.
...explored my new city.
...Girl Smoothie was made.
...Tavi Gevinson tweeted me and I met her!!!!! BANGS!
The year I started realizing who I was and what kind of person I want to be.
2015 was okay..because of the fact I started looking deeper into myself and looking at things in a different perspective. 2016 will be about growing and changing myself to the person I want to be. I will:
- stop getting mad at the simplest things
- learn to let things go
- get the piercings I want in my ear
- get my nose pierced...again
- craft way more
- journal more in order to let my brain breath
- talk to my professors and get to know them and sit in the front of classes
- LEARN!!!!!
- buy my film camera that I've always wanted
- get a job and work hard at it
- do at least 3-4 jobs/internships
- make my wardrobe more colorful
- read more books
- watch more movies
- take more pictures of myself (meaning outfits and stuff)
- disconnect from social media (not including blogging of course)
- become vegan
For now, those are my resolutions. I wrote this post just so I can see what I've done in the past year and list what I will do this year. I'm determined to be much more productive and healthier. I hope you all had a great 2015, let's hope 2016 will bring great joy!!!
love it!
What an amazing year, have a happy 2016! I'm new here, but this blog is so cool!
Moth And Poppy
thank you!!! :)
HAHAHA, vegans r cool!! And thank you, hope you have an awesome 2016 as well!!!
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