
Hello cuties! Here is a funny picture of me that I thought I would share, I always take pictures like this on my sister's camera and I find them hilarious, I am actually laughing inside right now. (keep in mind I made this post yesterday, but had some technical difficulties so couldn't post it)
Today, I spent my day listening to new music and tweetering (like always)! I also went to this little family gathering, I haven't gone to one of these family parties in such a long time since we don't have much family in Cali4nia anymore and I don't like them (─‿‿─). I have also been thinking a lot today! I have been enjoying reading blogs a lot more so I started reading Rookie! My sister always told me they were annoying so (being me, listening to her all the time) I never gave her/them/the magazine/blog a chance! So today I read some of it and I really, really like it! I already have learned new things from it. Like this blog post, each of the team blogged about something different and there was one that stood out! It was about feminism, if you scroll down you'll see the one by Suzy X. and she talks about a girl who revealed her old diary entries when she was a sixth grader and was always called a 'slut'. It is actually really crazy what these kids did! It's called the UnSlut Project and you should really read some of it! I also learned something from the wonderful Ezra Koenig from Vampire Weekend (read my last post for more about them). There was an interview he did (I saw it through this gif I saw on tumblr if you want to see it) where he said there is no 'bad' music. And it's very true. It's just music we personally don't like. If a band/artist is 'bad', then that means nobody, absolutely no one, and that's impossible. So, yeah!
This is what I wore today! I made the flower crown at a super cute birthday party; the magenta leotard from a thrift store; the floral skirt is back once again (thrift store); gray leggings/sock from, ugh -spits-, Walmart; and boots from H&M. If you haven't already known, I wear these boots all the time, like all the time, BUT THEY'RE RIPPING. (╥﹏╥)

I don't know. I really like this picture. 
Well, hope everyone has had a great weekend so far, I have a 4-day weekend! (WEE HOO) Goodnight/Good morning/Good day! =^^=


Nataly said...

OMG ALL THOSE SMILIES. I love them. I'm listening to one direction rn btw

Anonymous said...

That first picture. I literally laughed out loud. Hilarious! And how?! How do you find these awesome clothes at thrift stores? TEACH ME YOUR WAYS

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